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| 297 ABC network, 57, 64–67. See also Better Community (ABC) Activism: and agrifood, 226; alternative, 224–225; and class, 228–229, 233; collective , 234; consumer, 219–239; cooperative consumer, 222, 225, 233; corporate use of, 230–232; individual consumer, 225–226, 229, 230–231, 233–234; green, 30–35; mass consumer, 222–224; neoliberal , 226; and race/racism, 114–133, 209–10, 214–15, 228–229, 233; shifting modes of, 2, 225 Advertising, 19, 177, 178; the self, 28–29 AFL-CIO, 264 Africa, 180, 184, 185, 186; Darfur, 179; impact of neocolonialism upon, 121; Lord’s Resistance Army, 185, 189n2; Uganda, 180–183, 185, 186, 187, 192n45; Western representations of, 121 African American(s) and commodity consumption, 117, 122, 124, 129n22; and citizenship, 117; and civil rights, 125–126; and corporate capitalism, 123; and male brotherhoods, 123; and pan-African solidarity , 124, 126; and political resistance, 120, 125; and racial politics, 120, 132n48; and social activism, 118, solidarities with the global South, 122–123 Americans for Democratic Action, 262–264 Amnesty International, 115 Anti-capitalism, 246–248 Anti-consumerism, 8; paradoxes of, 8 Appadurai, Arjun, 230 Army Corps of Engineers, 107 Arvidsson, Adam, 27, 69 Asian Americans for Fair Media, 268 Authenticity, 140–144, 147–150 Avon Products, Inc., 280–285; Avon Foundation, 281–284; Avon Ladies, 282; AvonWalk for Breast Cancer, 200, 207, 208–217 Babeland, 240 –242, 247–248 Bagdikian, Ben, 256 Baumann, Zygmunt, 24, 25 Better Community (ABC), 58–59, 64 “Big Organic” food, 231 Black Entertainment Television, 259, 267 Blank, Joani, 244; and Good Vibrations, 244–246 Bling, 114, 116, 120, 124–125 Blood diamonds , 114–115; and hip-hop, 117–118; hip-hop music about, 116; Hollywood films about, 116; independent films about, 115–116; popular music about, 122; and Sierra Leone, 114, 115, 116. See also Conflict diamonds Blue Planet, 259 Bogart, Leo, 262–263 Bon Appétit, 220 Bono, 180, 192n33, 207. See also Product RED Bordo, Susan, 216 Bourdieu, Pierre, 263 Bourgeois piggery, 219 Brand: culture, 40, 42, 46, 47, 49, 52, 54, 69–70; manager, 19, 52 Branding, 19, 25, 27, 28–29; citizen, 63; green, 21; self, 28–29. See also Self Breast cancer, 199, 200, 204, 281–282, 284, Pink Ribbon, 281–283 Bush, George W., 105, 119 Index 298 | Index Cable television: á la carte pricing, 265– 269; First Amendment, 265; monopolies, 258–260 Capitalism: cultural, 52; death of, 4, 38n64; disaster, 15; and domination, 4; ethical, 61–62; and humanitarianism, 177–178; impact on modes of social activism, 13; neoliberal 2, 11; role of the state within, 14, 118 Cause: célebre, 30, 33, 34; -related marketing , 206 Celebrity: activism, 97–99, 111; as brand, 30–31, 34; as currency, 31; endorsements, 32; gossip 31, 32; Hollywood 31; as social critique, 105–108 Charities, 119, 181, 187; health, 199, 200 Child soldiers, 115–116, 127n6, 184; brutalization of, 121–123; night commuting, 174 Child workers, 120–121; brutalization of, 121–123 Christian Broadcasting Network, 267; Christian evangelism, 177 Citizen: brand, 62–63; civic, 6; civic action, links to, 5, 9 and community, 60–61, 67; compassionate, 60; -consumer, 5–6, 8, 11; virtuous, 200, 203. See also Consumer , citizenship Civic: branding, 68–70; responsibilities of the media, 58 Clinton, Bill, 203 Cohen, Lizabeth, 117, 223 Cole, Kenneth, 287 Colonialism, 122, 177 Commodity, 14; feminism, 39, 46, 50; fetishism, 13, 46 Commodity activism: and affective or immaterial labor, 12–13, 30; backlash against, 87–89; and branding, 40; and celebrities, 30, 34; and citizenship, 2, 5–8, 117–118, 120, 124, 200, 204, 217–218; and civic virtue, 12; class implications of, 9, 12, 72; definition of, 2, 20; and democracy, differences from consumer activism, 11; and green consumption, 76, 86; historical antecedents, 6–8; and individual empowerment , 23–24, 44–46; limits of, 150; moral frameworks of, 11; and neoliberal citizenship, 42; within neoliberalism, 11, 35, 42; and value, 12–14, 52, 71 Communication Workers of America, 268 Communitarianism, 59–61; training citizens for, 61 Community: gardens, 226; as corporate civic objective, 59 Community supported agriculture (CSA), 220, 228, 230 Conflict diamonds, global trade in, 114–115 Conservation through consumption, 231 Consumer: alternative, 234–235; activism /agency, 5–8, 219–239; boycotts, 42; citizenship, 11–12, 42, 44, 49, 52, 118, 120, 125, 223; as donor, 187; food politics, 219–239; generated-content, 40, 44, 47, 50, 54; movements, 6–7, 219–239; protection, 7, 224–225. See also Citizenconsumer ; Consumption Consumer culture, 117, 124; black...
