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| 273 Index Abramson, Paul R., 13, 34 Accountability, of government, 191 Acculturative stress, 60 ACORN, 245n2 Acting white, 59 Affective judgments, 48, 53 African American culture, 58 African American ideologies, 129, 222 African American studies programs, 68 African-centered culture, 43, 67 Africans, 22, 117, 120, 245n4; political trust and, 198–99; racial socialization and, 64, 65, 78, 81 African worldview, 60 Afrocentric identity, 43, 68 Afro hairstyle, 67 Age: cohorts, 35; distrust and, 89, 91, 95, 134–35; divisions, 22, 77, 85; political trust and, 199, 208, 216; racial discrimination and, 111; racial knowledge and, 98; racial socialization and, 79; social trust and, 165, 177, 187–88; trust and, 146; trustworthiness and, 124 Agency, individual, 156, 158 AIDS, 130 Allen, Richard L., 37 American Community Survey Report, 18 American dream, 161–62 American Indians, 62, 92 American racial hierarchy, 90 Anderson, Louis P., 60 Antiblack attitudes, 9–10 Antimiscegenation practices, 61 Appearance, 122–25 “Appropriate” black behavior, 64, 77–78, 85 Arithmetic Means for Blacks’ Positive and Negative Stereotypes, 102 Arithmetic Means of Blacks’ Contextualized Trust, 178 Arithmetic Means of Racial Groups’ Contextualized Social Trust, 171 Asian Americans, 11, 20–22; black Americans and, 42, 48, 51, 59, 82, 87, 94–95, 98, 133–37; Blacks’ Feelings of Political Closeness to Black, White, Latino, and Asian Groups, 200; colorism among, 62; Determinants of Blacks’ Racial Trust in Black, White, Latino, and Asian Groups, 145; Determinants of Groups’ Racial Trust in Black, White, Latino, and Asian Groups, 144; as political actors, 36; political trust and, 198–99, 203–9, 212–16, 218–23; racial discrimination against, 80; racial trust by, 142–47; racial uncertainty and, 113–14, 117, 119–20; social trust and, 163– 67, 169–78, 181–83, 187–89; stereotypes about, 110 Attitudes: antiblack, 9–10; “color-blind,” 12; on immigration, 135, 137–38, 143, 146–47, 150, 161, 165, 177; interracial, 93–94; projection of, 146; racial attitudes, of black Americans, 23, 40–41, 53, 133–37; riskaverse , 93, 113; Univariate Results for Black Attitudes in the Racial Uncertainty Survey Experiment, 116 Attribution: positive or negative, 96; of racism , 94; of stereotypes, 100–101 Attribution theory, 47–48, 246n8 Avery, James, 32–33 Bags, for purchases, 57 Bakeman, Roger A., 60 Baptist tradition, 162 Beauty, 65, 76 274 | Index Beck, Glenn, 236 Beer Summit, 237 Behavior, assessing, 25, 240 Bianco, William, 223 Biden, Joe, 237, 3 Bipolar stereotypes, 101 Birthers, 236 Black Americans: Arithmetic Means of Blacks’ Contextualized Trust, 178; Asian Americans and, 42, 48, 51, 59, 82, 87, 94– 95, 98, 133–37; Blacks’ Feelings of Political Closeness to Black, White, Latino, and Asian Groups, 200; colorism among, 62; Comparison of Blacks’ and Nonblacks’ Contextualized Social Trust, 170; cultural mistrust by, 45, 129–31; Determinants of Blacks’ Racial Trust in Black, White, Latino, and Asian Groups, 145; Determinants of Groups’ Racial Trust in Black, White, Latino, and Asian Groups, 144; distrust by, 233–34; distrust by, scholarship on, 31–35, 40–41; distrust of, 91; do what is right for, trust in government to, 218–19; electoral participation of, 32; ethnicities of, 22, 78, 81, 86, 245n4; group status of, 63, 68–69; identity transmission and acquisition by, 38–40, 43; immigrants , 65; in-group favoritism of, 105; intragroup relations of, 10–11, 36–37, 46, 51, 53, 78–79; intraracial trust of, 10–11, 36–37, 46, 51, 53; Latino Americans and, 42, 48, 51, 82, 87, 94–95, 98, 98–99, 133– 37, 204; marginalization of, 6, 12, 35, 62, 227; median income of, 18; Multivariate Models of Black Americans’ Racial Uncertainty , 118; Ordered Probit Regressions of Blacks’ Contextualized Trust, 174–75; personal efforts of, 32; as political actors, 36, 191–92, 203–5; political representation of, 31–32, 191–96; psychological conditions of, 130–31; psychological development of, 40; racial attitudes of, 23, 40–41, 53, 133–37; racial socialization of, 57–89; racial trust by, 142–47; racism of, 83–84; theories of intelligence of, 34; trust and, 226–40; trustworthiness conceptualization of, 122–25; white Americans and, 42, 48, 51, 59, 82, 87, 94, 98, 133–37, 229 Black autonomy, 58; in Caribbean, 66 Black churches, 162 Black Codes, 194 Black consciousness, 85; political trust and, 191, 209. See also Racial consciousness Black counterpublic, 51 Black Diaspora, 78 Black group status, racial socialization scale on, 63, 68–69 Black identity, 58–59; messages of racial socialization and, 92 Black interracial relations, racial socialization scale on, 64, 79–81, 85...
