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199 • abandonment. See disownment Abercrombie & Fitch, 10, 166n5 “A Dialogue on Racial Melancholia” (Eng), 4–5 African Americans and racial injury, 60–61, 62 Agamben, Giorgio, 43, 45, 66. See also sovereign power and law agency, masochism as, 116–17, 118, 123 Aiiieeeee! (Chan), 60–61 All I asking for is my body (Murayama), 37–38, 88–90, 104 allowance for children, 23–24, 26, 29 ambivalence, 74, 79. See also narrative and structure American culture, negotiation of, 111–13 American families, 20–21, 24. See also Zelizer, Viviana anthropologists on sexual regulation of women, 138–39 “Are Indians the Model Immigrants” (Wadhwa), 13, 167n9 Asian American literature: cannibalistic motif in, 88–89; child as capital investment in, 87–88; critics, 119–23; eating disorders in, 104, 181n23; insanity in Asian American literature, 117–18; sexual choices in, 152; South and Southeast, 13, 160–62. See also narrative and structure Asian American studies, 3–11, 119–23 Asian American Suicide Prevention Initiative , 4, 165n2 “At the Western Palace” (Kingston), 50, 80 autobiography: conclusions of, 51–54, 80; fictional, 83; structural aspects of, 22, 76, 79. See also narrative and structure autonomy, quest for: familial economics in relation to, 34–35, 39; independence in relation to, 27; wage labor in relation to, 25, 30 The Awakening (Chopin), 12, 172n20 banishment. See disownment Barrett, Michelle, 134, 182n3 Bartky, Sandra Lee, 45, 133, 138 Bentham, Jeremy, 97 Beyond Contract (Fox), 35 Blinde, Patricia, 79 body, the female. See femininity; sexuality, regulation of female Bone (Ng): designated failure in, 149; disownment in, 125–26; gossip in, 133; “A Red Sweater” compared to, 126–27; sexuality in, 149–50; Sze on, 131 Bow, Leslie, 48, 53, 56–58, 83 Brave Orchid: characterization of, 50–51; cultural practices of, 21, 168n2; filial debt in relation to, 31–32; Ghosts and, 62; relation to narrator, 63, 174–75n11; Necessity and, 44; surveillance and, 132. See also The Woman Warrior Bread Givers (Yezierska), 12 “Breaking Silence” (Mirikitani), 7, 165n4 Brown, Laura, 63–64 Butler, Judith, 102, 105, 123, 147 cannibalism and slaughter, 88–89 capital, symbolic, 60, 93, 94, 108–13 capital investment, child as. See child as capital investment capitalism, 2, 23, 169–70n4, 38, 120. See also child as capital investment; debt, filial • Index 200 In Gratitude cautionary tales, 129, 130, 131–32, 147. See also “No Name Woman” (Kingston) Chan, Jeffery Paul, 61 Chao, Lien, 82, 119–20 characterization, 49, 50–51. See also narrative and structure chastity. See sexuality, regulation of female Cheng, Anne, 60–62, 74, 80, 147n13 Cheung, King-Kok, 17, 56–57, 58, 172n3 child as capital investment: in All I asking is for my body, 88–89; gendered aspects of, 90–93, 128, 144; historically, 23–24; in Lau and Liu, 86–87; math in relation to, 85–86; musical training and, 108–9; sovereign power and, 101. See also debt, filial; the model minority Chin, Frank, 92, 93 China Men (Kingston), 55, 71, 172n1 Chinese Canadian community, 81, 82 Chopin, Kate, 12, 172n20 Christian, Barbara, 84 Chu, Patricia, 7–8, 59 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 93 Clark, Kenneth and Mamie, 173n5 classical liberalism, 25, 26–27, 30 classical music training, 108–9, 110, 182n6 class identification, markers of, 112 confinement and escape, 96–99, 118 Confucian culturalism, 22, 169n3 consumer culture, 111–13 Consuming Citizenship (Park), 6 critical reception of Lau and Liu, 119–23 critical theorists: Butler, Judith, 102, 105, 123, 147; Confucian culturalists, 22, 169n3; cultural materialists, 14; ethnic nationalists, 120–21, 122; feminists, 63–64, 134, 182n3. See also Foucault, Michel Cultural Capital (Guillory), 86, 93–94 cultural materialism, 14 cultural nationalism, 120–21 cultural nationalists, 122 debt, filial: capitalistic aspects of, 36; debt bondage compared to, 37, 38; in Fifth Chinese Daughter, 33, 34–35, 39–40; measurement of, 92; in Woman Warrior , 74. See also child as capital investment ; familial economics; Necessity debt bondage, 31–32, 36–37, 38 debtor-creditor paradigm, 32–33, 34 depression in Runaway, 114 designated failure in parent-child relations, 40, 45–46, 87, 149–50. See also debt, filial “The Desi Overachiever Syndrome” (Radhakrishnan), 167n9 disciplinary technologies: enumerated, 11–12; features of, 45–46; gossip, 129, 131, 133; musical training, 108–9; propriety, 46; time management, 40–43. See also disownment; sovereign power and law Discipline and Punish (Foucault), 16, 42, 97, 130, 136–38, 143. See also Foucault, Michel discipline and time, 42 “Discovery of the Indies” (Williams), 171–72n16 discursivity vs. reality, 56, 58, 64–65...
