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Acknowledgments For comments , bibliographi c references , and/o r researc h help , I thank Jeann e Becke r an d th e Memoria l Sloan-Ketterin g Cance r Center , Gerald Domingue , Willia m Fry , Patrici a Huntley , Clinto n Miller , Hele n Coley Naut s an d th e Cance r Researc h Institute , Geronim o Rubio , To m Rosenbaum an d th e Rockefelle r Archives , an d Jayme Treiger . I wis h als o to than k Gretche n Koerpe l fo r he r patienc e a s a spous e an d he r referenc e help a s a librarian. Stev e Fulle r provide d helpfu l comment s o n th e manu script a s a whole , an d edito r Eri c Zinne r provide d ver y helpfu l advic e o n structuring an d positionin g th e book . Give n th e controversia l natur e o f th e topics covered , i t shoul d b e emphasize d tha t th e opinion s expresse d i n thi s book ar e m y ow n an d d o no t necessaril y reflec t thos e o f th e peopl e wh o have been kin d enoug h t o hel p me . Caveat The informatio n presente d her e doe s no t constitut e medica l advic e fo r individuals; the y ar e advise d t o see k th e guidanc e o f competent physicians . vn ...
