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Conclusion Revisiting Transgression In th e introductio n I opposed th e concept s o f domesticatio n and transgression, usin g the opposition t o advance a theory o f agency in relation t o women , pornography , an d everyda y life . Domestication , I said, drawin g o n Roge r Silverstone , involve s "th e capacit y o f a socia l group t o appropriat e technologica l artifact s an d deliver y system s into a culture—its ow n space s an d times , it s ow n aestheti c an d it s ow n func tioning —to contro l them , an d t o rende r the m mor e o r les s 'invisible ' within the daily routines of daily life" (98) . Pornography i s domesticated when it becomes integrated into the routines of everyday life—not exactl y rendered invisible , but managed b y women wh o hav e achieved a degre e of agenc y throug h a structure d movemen t betwee n site s o f acces s an d sites o f consumption . Thi s notio n o f agenc y wa s contraste d t o th e val orization o f transgressio n tha t occur s i n muc h prosexualit y analysi s o f pornography, which relies on the premise that agenc y is defined i n terms of the subject' s abilit y t o evad e confinement t o an y place , able t o freel y transgress boundarie s o f publi c an d private . A s a means o f considerin g the political implication s o f thi s book , I want i n conclusion t o conside r the way s th e proces s o f domesticatio n ma y sometime s constitut e trans gression . B y transgression , however , I mea n somethin g quit e differen t from th e valorizatio n o f individuals ' subversiv e abilitie s t o appropriat e texts; rather, I want to recall the Latin roots of the word: "trans, " mean ing "across, " an d "gradi, " meanin g "t o step. " Transgression means , literally , "to go beyond the bounds or limits prescribed by (a law, command, etc.)." This "goin g beyond " require s that w e recognize the material fac tors tha t restric t movemen t befor e w e ca n devis e th e mean s fo r th e re configuration tha t wil l fre e on e t o "g o beyond " th e boundarie s established b y governmenta l regulatio n an d othe r factor s inhibitin g women's acces s t o sexuall y explici t materials . Materia l transgressio n i s thus necessar y fo r th e domesticatio n o f pornography—i t indicate s th e 233 234 I Conclusion: Revisiting Transgression ability o f women t o literally ente r int o the means o f production o f erot ica , to step across the threshold o f an adul t video store, to access an on line sex chat room o n the Internet. These are physical, material act s tha t depend o n the ability to cross boundaries . This book ha s subsumed a wide variety o f texts under th e theoretica l framework o f domestication; the danger here is that I have domesticate d the text s fo r th e purpose s o f advancin g m y ow n argumen t agains t th e transgressive tendencie s o f othe r feminis t position s o n pornography . However, I have tried to maintain a sense of the differences amon g thes e texts, to indicate ways a genre is not cohesive but rather characterized b y dissimilarity. Drawing on Foucault, I have theorized genr e as a regulated dispersion, in which the objects that togethe r constitut e the genre of do mesticated por n exist not as a coherent unity but in a field regulate d a t a number o f dispersed sites. By examining texts ranging from th e Herotica series to lingeri e catalog s t o vibrato r debate s t o eroti c educatio n video s and by linking these texts to other sites, such as governmental regulation , publishing, retail stores , and variou s conception s o f hom e an...
