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N O T E O N U S A G E Throughout the book, I quote extensively from Internet newsgroups and bulletin boards, where the level of writing, grammar, and spelling is often abysmal. To reflect the tone of these groups accurately, I have left the original text unchanged without the very frequent use of “sic,” which would normally be appropriate. On another point, it is customary today to strive for gender-neutral writing, eliminating the use of male-specific pronouns to cover the whole of humanity. In this book, however, I generally speak of the average patron of child pornography as “he” and “him,” based on the well-substantiated observation that males constitute the overwhelming (but not exclusive) majority of individuals ever identi fied as makers or users of this type of material. In the context of the bulletin boards studied, the use of pseudonyms makes it impossible to tell the real identity or gender of the participants with complete assurance, but I have little doubt that virtually all are male.| ix | ...
