In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

359 AARP, 249 Abu Ghraib, 248–249 ACLU v. State of Alaska and Municipality of Anchorage, 180 Adams, Michele, 298 adoption: by cohabitating unmarried couples, 318n30; Colorado, 104–105; Florida, 106, 318n30; Georgia, 107–108; Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, 117; international adoptions, 113; openness, 117–118; rights of birth parents vs. adoptive parents, 113; same-sex couples, 112–113, 318n30. See also second-parent adoption Adoption and Safe Families Act (1988), 112–113 “adult designee” ordinances, 180–182 aesthetics, 231–256; children’s vulnerability, imagery of, 251; death, imagery of, 250– 251; distribution of the sensible, 239, 245, 255; domestication, 239–240; generative life, references to, 247; inversion, 240–244; kitsch, 237–238; law, 231–232; police, 233, 236, 238; of politics, 234; popular sovereignty, mobilization for, 232–238, 246, 256; social movements, 231–232; suspicion of judges, legislators, 244–245 Agamben, Giorgio, 235, 239, 248, 254 agenda setting: events, effects of, 215–217; frames (framing), effects of, 208–209, 210; in same-sex marriage debate, 226–227, 230; by social movements, 208; by U. S. Supreme Court, 77 Alabama, domestic partnerships, 165 Alaska, 165, 180, 310n2, 313n1 Albany, New York, 162, 183 alimony, 289, 294, 318n22 Alito, Samuel, 101 Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), 166, 180, 219 Amendment 2 (Colorado, 1992): arguments for, 284–285; challenge to, 104–105; equal protection, violation of, 80, 94, 284; meanings of, 284–285; opposition to, 94; purpose, 104, 316n5; Romer v. Evans, 10, 58–59, 80, 105; sense of the polity from, 105; special rights argument against, 284–285 American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), 89, 166 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): in Bowers v. Hardwick, 86; domesticpartnership cases, 166, 168; gay rights litigation, 79–80, 84, 87, 91, 97, 102; gays and lesbians, support for, 306n1; Lesbian and Gay Rights Project, 80, 87; in Romer v. Evans, 86; sodomy laws, challenges to, 57; Women’s Rights Project, 87 American Family Association (AFA), 212, 213, 225, 311n6 American Friends Service Committee, 89 American Jewish Congress, 89 American Law Institute, 295–296 American Orthopsychiatric Association, 89 American Psychological Association, 89 American Public Health Association, 89 Amnesty International, 95, 139 Anatomy of a Murder (film), 275, 316n11 Anchorage, Alaska, 310n2 Ancient Order of Hibernians, 13–14 Andersen, Ellen Ann, 80 Andersen, William R., 10 Andersen v. King County, 111 Anderson, Rocky, 180 Anderson v. King County, 217 Andrew White et al. v. Arlington County et al., 163, 184 Anglin v. City of Minneapolis, 185 Ann Arbor, Michigan, 184 Anonymous Queers, 304n3 Anonymous v. Anonymous, 200 anti-same-sex marriage campaigns, 231–256; biopolitical discourse, 234–236, 251–255; Index 360 Index anti-same-sex marriage campaigns (continued): children’s vulnerability, imagery of, 251; common sense arguments, 246–247; death, imagery of, 250–251; domestication, 239–240; entanglement of gay rights and terrorism, 248–249; generative life, references to, 247; groups supporting, 212; inversion, 240–244; nongenerative sexuality, images of, 250; politics of distancing, 232; popular sovereignty, mobilization for, 232– 238, 246, 256; rights-harassed majority, images of, 240–244; Shuttlesworth, Fred, 244; special rights arguments, 239–240; suspicion of judges, legislators, 244–245 Anzaldua, Gloria, 110 appellate courts, 109–111, 115 Aristotle, 259, 267–268 Arizona: dissolution of nonmarital relationships, 293; domestic partnerships, 165, 166, 174; Pima County, 163, 166–168, 176–177, 186 Arkansas, 165, 318n30 Arlington County, Virginia, 163, 168, 173, 175–176, 184 Arlington County v. White, 175 Armstrong, Elizabeth A., 257 Atlanta, Georgia, 163, 168, 184 Attorney Gen. v. Kevin (Australia), 195 Attorney-General v. Otahuhu Family Court (New Zealand), 190–191 Australia, transgender(ed) in, 195 Backer, Larry Cata, 9, 72 backlash: against civil rights claims by gays and lesbians, 218, 239–240, 245–246, 250– 251, 254; against Lawrence v. Texas, 225; politics of, 211; in trial of Dan White, 261, 266, 272. See also countermobilization Baehr v. Lewin, 83, 216, 301 Baehr v. Miike, 83, 222 Baker, Joshua, 299 Baker v. Nelson, 212 Baker v. Vermont, 83 Bartlett, Roscoe, 252 Batson test, 264–265 Bauer, Gary, 222–223 Bauman, Zygmunt, 249 Baumgartner, Frank R., 229 Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom, 89 Beckel, David, 207 Bedsworth, William, 264–265, 315n8 Benford, Robert D., 209, 284 Berlant, Lauren, 243, 246 Bernstein, Mary, 32, 159 biopolitical discourse, 234–236, 251–255 Birkland, Thomas, 215 birth certificates, 103–119; appellate courts, 109–111; challenges to, 107–108; claims to state and family recognition, 111–112; Colorado, 104–108, 118; custody and visitation, 114; custody disputes, 114; early twentieth century...
