In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

>> 317 Aalmoezeniers (almoners), 59 Abie’s Irish Rose, 283n2 Aboutaleb, Ahmed, 180–81, 183, 241 Academy Awards, 269–70 Acting, Method, 268 Adler, Jacob, 268 Adler, Stella, 268 Affirmative action, 135, 146, 155 African Americans, 12, 30, 31, 42; arts and, 271, 279–81; electoral politics and, 198, 206, 209–10, 220, 225; minority culture of mobility and, 136; population, 198, 204, 215; race and, 133–36; racism and, 152, 154–55, 158–59, 162–64 Ahearn, John F., 38 Ajax hooligans, 66–67 Alba, Richard, 4, 14, 30, 195 Allochthone kunstenaars (immigrant artists ), 301 Allochthones, 10, 71–72, 73, 77, 137, 300–301 Americanness, 265, 271–72 Amhali, Najib, 299 Amsterdam: allochthones and autochthones, 2011, in, 71, 72, 73; characteristics, 7–10; as digital city, 108, 116–25; economy of, 107–28; foreign-born population in, 2, 8; with global city trajectory, 123; Golden Age, 53–61, 76; history of, 7–9, 52–70; NY, immigrants and transatlantic comparison with, 1–7; with NY and comparative complications, 13–14; population, 107, 114; questions central to understanding, 14–17; race in NY and Islam in, 133–40; subcultures in, 114, 289–90; taxes in, 18n1; women in early modern, 57, 59–60 Annie Get Your Gun, 268 Anti-immigration laws, 164 Antilleans, in Amsterdam, 126–27, 137 Anti-Semitism, 66 Appalachian Spring, 267 Arts: cultural patrimony and, 275; racism and, 269 Arts, in Amsterdam, 261, 263. See also Youth culture, in Amsterdam Arts, in New York, 259, 263–64, 283; immigrants in contemporary, 274–82; with immigrants in mid-twentieth century, 265–74 Ashkenazim, 58, 62–63 Asians, 134; in Amsterdam, 288; population in U.S., 148–49. See also specific Asian groups Asians, in New York: arts and, 259, 260; electoral politics and, 199, 219, 220; population , 12, 47n2; as undocumented immigrants , 99 Assimilation, 14, 69–70, 152 Autochthones, 10, 65, 71, 72, 73 Badillo, Herman, 210 Baker, Bertram, 209 Bangladeshis, in New York, 41, 97, 217 Banks, Tyra, 290 Bar mitzvahs (Jewish coming-of-age rituals ), 41 Barrett, James, 42 Bat mitzvahs (Jewish coming-of-age rituals ), 41 Baumol’s cost disease, 119–20 Beauty, 289–90, 306n2 Belliot, Hannah, 242 Benton-Short, Lisa, 8 Berle, Milton, 273 Berlin, Irving, 267 Index Page numbers in italics refer to figures. 318 > 319 arts in mid-twentieth century, 265–74; with public culture and cultural ethos, 24, 39–41. See also Arts, in New York Culture, levels of, 287–88 CUNY. See City University of New York Current Population Survey (CPS), 203–4, 213, 227n4 Dance, 268, 280 Davis, Leon J., 35 Dchar, Nasrdin, 303, 304 De Blasio, Bill, 226 Decommodification, 111, 121 Deindustrialization, 113, 121, 146 De Jong, Jan Dirk, 291 Delhaye, Christine, 260 Democratic Party, in New York, 205–7, 209– 10, 215, 218, 220–22, 224–26, 227n2 De Nieuw Amsterdam (DNA), 302 De Palm, Norman, 302 Depillarization, 26–27 De Regt, Ali, 174 Deregulation, 121 De Rooij, Deborah, 290, 306n2 De Rooy, Felix Peter, 302 Dinkins, David, 207, 210, 212, 218, 221 Discrimination: blacks and, 46–47, 151–63; Jews and, 41, 135; race in NY and, 135, 157– 59, 162–65; second generation and, 160 DNA. See De Nieuw Amsterdam Do-it-yourself (DIY) attitude, 297, 307 Dominicans, in New York, 12, 44; arts and, 259; churches and, 36; electoral politics and, 198, 200–201, 216–17, 220; home ownership , 99; racism and, 157; in white-collar jobs, 97 Double consciousness, 271 Dreisinger, Baz, 281 Drugs, 114 Dual citizenship, 78n2 Dubinsky, David, 34 Dubois, W.E.B., 271 Duits, Linda, 289 Durand, Jorge, 277 Dutch East India Company (VOC), 55–56, 59 Dutch East Indies, 64, 65 Dutch Randstad, 123, 292 Dutch Reformed (Calvinist) Church, 58, 60 Dutch Republic: with entrance and settlement regulated, 58–60; foreign born and natives in Amsterdam, 1580–2010, 53, 54; Golden Age, 53–61, 76; migration dynamics and integration in early modern Amsterdam, 60–61; origin of population in Amsterdam, 1626–2010, 53, 55 Duyvendak, Jan Willem, 138–39 “Easter Parade,” 267 Eclecticism, in mass popular culture, 293–96 Economy, in Amsterdam, 107–8, 127–28; agglomeration, 122; with demand, 121–23, 124; job seekers without work for ages, 15–64, 1980–2006, 110; labor market in 1980s, 109–16; labor market patterns, 116–25; sectoral distribution, 1995-2000, 122; service sector activities and, 110–11, 121, 126; with supply, 124; total employment , 1975–2010, 113, 116; unemployment rates by national-origin group and gender, 2001-2009, 116, 117...
