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٢١٥ 215 Another Instance Considered a Case of Legal Disagreement that is like the false dawn’s tail275 makes nothing lawful and nothing unlawful . The second dawn, which breaks the dark, makes prayer lawful and food unlawful.” He meant for those intending to fast. Another Instance Considered a Case of Legal Disagreement Sufyān reported to us from al-Zuhrī, from ʿAṭāʾ ibn Yazīd al-Laythī, from Abū Ayyūb al-Anṣārī, that the Prophet said: “Do not face the prayer-direction and do not turn your backs to it when defecating or urinating. Rather, face east or west.” Abū Ayyūb added, “We proceeded to Syria and found latrines already made, so we turned sideways and asked God’s forgiveness.” Mālik reported to us from Yaḥyā ibn Saʿīd, from Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn Ḥabbān, from his uncle Wāsiʿ ibn Ḥabbān, from ʿAbdallāh ibn ʿUmar, that he used to say: “Some people say: ‘When you sit to relieve yourselves, do not face the prayer-direction or Jerusalem.’ I went up on top of one of our houses,” recounted ʿAbdallāh, “and saw God’s Emissary on two mud bricks, facing Jerusalem while relieving himself.” Al-Shāfiʿī said: God’s Emissary taught manners to those who were around him, and they were Bedouin Arabs with no facilities in their dwellings for washing, or at least not most of them. Thus, his teaching manners to them in this case could support two different interpretations. One is that because they would simply go out into the desert to relieve themselves, he commanded them not to face the prayer-direction and not to turn their backs to it, because of the vastness of the desert and the small effort needed for them to comply—because they were free to turn in any direction, without constraint, in order to avoid facing or turning their backs to the prayer-direction when relieving themselves, whether defecating or urinating. They had no latrines that could constrain them to face toward or away from the prayer-direction, 353 354 355 ٢١٦ 216  gK•uf– à : +,  $&g †öï  ð, »¥ ü   v wDE I J¬! žŸ$&´³  k l m n o DE  èuf–  ÆKM   d±  I §K Ó³     ¡    r s  q   É1¿ÀHI J˜ b   ‡ Oˆ¸¿ Å   DE d±  DEV DE #  )` a# bVuf ›œ  01 Ž´   # k l m n o    QI  Q ›œ  ô  õ s  d±  9 :‹Œ  ÈuQuf Ÿ    ¡   ŽDE  YƬ  P%Q   ŽDE‡ Oˆ¸ 01 £  QI  ß N 2O DE .Èuf   "    ¡   DE V  01¿À÷˜ ךuf›œ 5  DE #  DEq1 ‡ Oˆ¸ Ž #  DE É1 # I  Ö    èuf–  ÆKM  de  f–  ÆK Ó³    " #      $&01DE   èuf–  ÆK1¿ÀHI J˜  bV!DEۜ  x y  £  def–“” R1  œ ١™!DEۜ I Ä8g 1 ´ ³ #   x I J       $&g¬DE - ê ¬    Zµ€ i   ¡¢f–“” Ž # £  def–“” R1  01  p!DE’   DE  QI DE  [ z{  èuf– ¯   )` a# bVI J    + : ;I  3uf    x    d±   ! I  \      žŸ  Z§¬  $&ö       ¡    r   ½K MŸ¿ Å   DE d±   ! I  \   DE £   Q´³‚1 –  à i9 :‹Œ  Z§¬  P%Q   g˜ × ¯   ŽDE‡ Oˆ¸   x   DE g˜  bV  $&´³‚1DE #   èuf–  ÆKM    èuf–  ÆK Ó³‚1  p k l m n o9 :‹Œ  I UV d±  DE ’K MŸ Ž #   Z Ä8$%&9 :‹Œ  5  ïË  6          6 ¹Qº8 Èuf   $&ÜDE .  èufƒ(¤¥ I J  ïË ufƒ(© 2ª èufƒ(¤¥  Z Ä8$%&9 :‹Œ žŸ d±   gK æ   .–¹Qº8 – ¯   g˜ bV  r   ½K MŸ    k l m n o " $%& 9 :  x IŠ i –šufƒ(¤¥DE DEq|ÿœ  ¡¢f›œ –  à i9 :‹Œ =>$&I  JK     Z îQº8 23£ 4–  ÆK Ó³‚1    x I      x y # !  žŸ #  É|ÿœ     ¡‡ OˆÃ w I¼   :         ´   äå   Ì   de  f–  ÆK Ó³   k l m n o d±  DE ’K MŸ  01  ¡¢f›œ!H V #   I§ ‡ Oˆ¸   $&´³  èuf–  ÆK Ó³    " # DE   I 3uf–  ÆKM    x y$%&v w #  DE«¬DE d±  DEÁ ! èufg     É1 #   œ    X˜  × ¹Qº8 Ž #  $&IŠ i #k l m n o        6 ¹Qº8 k l m n o Ž #   x y # !DE   v w9 :‹Œ ٣I J¬  $&´³   k l m n o DE  èuf–  ÆKM   d±   ! I  \   DE  + : ; Iǜ     œ  ´µÇœ     [ z{$&Iǜ     [ z{$&´ µÇœ  œ    x y ½¬    œ  –¹Q–œ    žŸ Q v w #   01  pIԔ × ¯   ŽDE  Ý L µ îQº8   Ì N 2O  ɦ\     01!P%Q  defg¬ #   œ d± # ´ F      x I     5  ïË  #   I1 –  à i    Z§ 6“” b   - ê ¬)    x y ½¬    œ! I   Ä8"    DE É|ÿœ "  !DE (¿ÀHI J˜  ×ã1 - ê ¬)  [ z{ d±  DEÁ ! d±  I  JK æ  ¿À÷˜ bV!!  "DE¿À÷˜ # bV´   .(¿ÀHI J˜ # bVžŸ ü   01  ¡c #   Z§ †   ö      x I     Ž #  bƒ(ÿœ  œ Èuf  01     Z§ Ü     œ   x y ½¬    œ  I   îQ–œ    žŸ Q v w #  . ŽP%Q  DE  DE I¦  îQ  de f– ¯    œ   X˜  bV  r s Y  ÆK :‹Œ    ¡† #     Ž # DE¿ÀHI J˜ Ùuf–  ÆKM   v wžŸ #  (¿À÷˜  ×ã1 - ê ¬)    x I     d±  DE  q   Ž #   ¡c #   Z§¬  P&žŸ ŽI §K ŽÍ Î Ï Ðý   :d±  I  Ö       Z§ 6“” b    Z Ä8$%&v w  p  $&IŠ i   " #     x y ½¬   Ž Ò 2ª d±  I  Ö  DE .   ù ú û
