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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I Ou r job s as editors were made easie r through th e efforts o f many individual s and organizations . Firs t an d foremost , w e than k ou r contributor s fo r providin g scholarship o f excellent quality that literall y takes African-American Studie s int o the ne w century . Th e essay s i n thi s volum e bega n a s presentation s a t "Th e 'Negro Problem, ' 1895-1995, " a graduate student conferenc e i n African-Ameri can Studies held at Princeton Universit y in March 1995 . We thank the panelists, faculty respondents , moderators , participants , an d sponsors , wh o playe d vita l roles in the conference's success . Astute an d generou s counse l helpe d u s competentl y navigat e ou r inaugura l journey throug h th e ofte n comple x terrai n o f th e publishin g world . W e than k Arnold Rampersad , i n hi s rol e a s directo r o f th e Progra m i n African-America n ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Studies a t Princeto n an d a s ou r advisor , fo r havin g confidenc e i n ou r abilitie s and encouragin g u s without hesitatio n a s we planned ou r conferenc e an d edite d this volume. His expert advice has been invaluable . We than k Nell Irvi n Painte r for he r collaboratio n wit h Professo r Rampersa d o n th e foreword , fo r he r gener ous support , an d fo r makin g u s contemplat e th e logistic s a s wel l a s th e labo r necessary t o complet e thi s project . W e than k Wahneem a Lubian o fo r he r graciousness an d patienc e as she always made time fo r u s and ou r ideas , and fo r being such an inspiring model a s organizer o f the Race Matters: Black Americansy U.S. Terrain conferenc e a t Princeto n University , Apri l 1994 . We than k Dian a Fuss fo r he r kee n interes t i n thi s projec t an d he r feedbac k a t ever y stage o f th e process. We than k Robi n D . G . Kelle y fo r writin g a n excellen t introductio n an d fo r his continuing enthusiasm fo r thi s project an d generosity to us. We than k Kevi n Gaines an d Penn y Vo n Esche n fo r helpin g u s envisio n th e scop e o f thi s boo k during it s initial stage s and fo r offerin g usefu l feedbac k o n th e preface. W e als o thank Jea n Washington , Ren e Shepperd , an d Hatti e Blac k a t th e Progra m i n African-American Studie s fo r thei r unstintin g patienc e an d fo r unfailingl y pro viding acces s t o th e program' s resources . W e als o acknowledg e th e suppor t o f members o f th e Princeto n Universit y communit y includin g Presiden t Harol d Shapiro an d th e Offic e o f th e President , Dea n Joh n Wilso n an d th e Graduat e School, and th e staff of Forbes College, especially John Gager , Master a t Forbes, for encouragin g Judith a s she completed thi s project . The final assembl y of the manuscript was accomplished wit h th e support an d assistance o f Tom Keenan , Wend y Chun , Doree n Cooper , Gavi n Jones, Hele n Pallas-Viola, Bruc e Simon , Marily n Walden , an d Glori a Jackso n Bacon . W e thank the m fo r thei r invaluabl e help. Finally, w e than k Belind a Redde n an d Clayto n Fosset t fo r believin g i n us , supporting us , and puttin g u p with u s through i t all , from th e inceptio n o f th e conference throug h th e publication o f this volume. This boo k gre w from th e nurturin g environmen t o...
