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Figures and Table Figures 1.1 Coastal/Eastern Algonquian tribal territories (Southern New England and Long Island) at the time of earliest European settlement 27 2.1 Extant Manor house constructed by Brinley Sylvester, 1730s 49 3.1 Sylvester Manor core plantation surrounding 1735 house; additional site areas surveyed and excavated 60 3.2 (a) North Peninsula tested areas; (b) undated photo of Gardiners Creek and southwest tip of peninsula 62 3.3 Cobbled paving associated with early plantation features 66 3.4 (a) Map of plantation period features and overlying midden layer and (b) excavated structure trench 67 3.5 Layer of bone exposed in large waste pit 71 3.6 Geophysical survey interpreted results 74 3.7 Sylvester Manor property map drawn for 1828 Gardiner vs. Dering legal case 84 4.1 Wampumpeague, shell beads 93 4.2 European manufactured pottery, (a) coarse earthenwares and (b) stonewares 96 xii / figures and table 4.3 Locally produced earthenware in Shantok style, (a) castellation and (b) partial vessel with handle from large waste pit feature 102 4.4 English flint, (a) flakes and (b) heavily utilized cores 110 4.5 Cloth, clothing, and adornment materials, (a) pins, (b) thimble “tinkler,” (c) rolled brass beads or aglets, (d) brass scrap rolled to make tinkler cone, and (e) lead cloth seal with merchant’s mark 114 4.6 Metal items with culturally significant motifs, (a) clipped coin with etched symbols added on both sides, (b) brass ferrule with etched bands and cross-hatching, and (c) pierced silver Charles II penny 116 4.7 Clay tobacco pipes, (a) and (b) Sir Walter Raleigh bowls and stems, (c) and (d) stems stamped with fleur-de-lis design 118 5.1 (a) Quaker memorial monument dedication in 1884 and (b) monument detail 146 5.2 Youghco stone monument, with detail of engraved text 150 5.3 Stone monument engraved “Burying Ground of the Colored People of the Manor from 1651,” (a) historic photo of burial ground, probably late nineteenth century and (b) detail of engraving 151 5.4 Drawing reproduced in Lamb 1887, thought to be Julia Dyd Havens 156 Table 2.1 Enslaved individuals identified in Nathaniel Sylvester will of 1679/80 47 ...
