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Index Abernathy, Ralp h (1926-1990) , 124 , 126 , 130, 132 , 261; scandalous allegation s i n memoirs, 164—65 ; and Resurrectio n City, 211; photograph, 18 7 Affirmative action , 168 , 180 , 195 , 234, 252, 26 8 "Affluent society, " 108-1 1 Africa, 32 , 38-39, 40 , 94 , 96-97, 10 6 African-American church , 97, 121-22 , 124-25, 132-3 3 African-Americans: populatio n an d distri bution : (1900) , 4, 32; (1930s) , 47-48 ; (1940), 69, 71 ; (1960), 144-45 ; (1970), 226; (1990) , 258 [table] ; Reconstruction , 6 ; "Ji m Crow " segrega tion an d disfranchisement , 6-10 , 33 ; early contour s o f civi l rights , 10-12 ; initial leadership , 13—19 ; first years of NAACP, 20-23, 32 ; Urban League , 23; African-American writin g a t th e tur n o f the century , 24-25 ; Grea t Migration , 25—27; experiences durin g Worl d Wa r I, 27-32; earl y litigation , 32-33 ; lynch ing , 34-36, 48-49 ; Commissio n o n In terracial Cooperation , 36-37 ; Garve y movement, 38-42 ; Harle m Renais sance , 42—46; electorate turn s t o Demo crats , 51-55; litigatio n i n 1930s , 5557 , 58-62 ; earl y year s o f Natio n o f Is lam , 57-58 ; artistr y i n 1930s , 63-69 ; in Worl d Wa r II , 72-82; foundin g o f CORE, 82 ; emergence o f civi l right s a t fore o f politica l stage , 89 , 91-102; ex periences unde r McCarthyism , 104-5 ; in the Affluen t Society , 109-13 ; Brown case (1954 ) an d desegregatio n i n educa tion , 113-19 ; African-America n church , 121-24; Montgomer y bu s boycot t (1955-1956), 124-31 ; creatio n o f SCLC and emergenc e o f Marti n Luthe r King, Jr., 131-34 ; Civi l Right s Act s of 1957 an d 1960 , 134-37 ; Littl e Roc k Crisis (1957) , 137-41 ; Greensbor o an d other sit-in s (1960) , 145-46 ; creatio n of SNCC , 146-47 ; contributio n t o Ken nedy 's electio n (1960) , 149-50 ; Kenne dy 's hesitanc y o n civi l rights , 150-52 , 156—57; Freedom Rides , 151—53 ; integration o f "Ol e Miss " (1962) , 153-54 ; opening division s i n civi l right s move ment , 155-56 ; Birmingha m demonstra tions (1963) , 157-62 ; Marc h o n Wash ington fo r Jobs an d Freedo m (1963) , 162-65; Civi l Right s Ac t o f 1964 , 166-68, 270 ; affirmativ e action , 168 ; Coleman report , 166-67 ; Malcol m X and th e Natio n o f Islam , 171 , 173-77 ; shifting sensibilitie s i n 1960s , 178—80 ; 3 0 9 INDEX African-Americans (Continued) and Great Society, 182-83 ; summer of 1964, 184-86 , 188 ; Selma marc h (1965), 189-90 , 192-93 ; Voting Right s Act of 1965 , 192 , 245; urban deprivation , riots, and uprisings, 193-97 ; shif t from civil right s to black power , 197— 203; war in Vietnam (1961-1975) , 204, 206-7 ; Detroi t rio t of 1967 , 207 8 ; reports on riots , 208-9; Poo r People 's Campaign o f 1968 , 210-11; martyrdom of Marti n Luther King, 210 12 ; school integratio n i n 1960 s an d 1970s, 218-24 , 226 ; busing of school children , 220-22; Nationa l Blac k Politi cal Assembly an d Gary Convention o f 1972, 226-27 ; Blac k Nationalis m an d Pan-Africanism, 226-35 ; Sixt h Pan-Af rican Conference a t Dar-es-Salaa m (1974), 235-36 ; professiona l elit e among African-Americans, 236 , 238 41 ; politica l acces s achieved b y civil rights, 245-48, 260 , 265-66; 'Trul y Disadvantaged" of inner cities, 249-55 ; improved academi c attainment , 255 ; rise of Jesse Jackson, 261-62, 264 ; contribution o f Ronal d Harmo n Brown , 265—67; conservative tur n of Suprem e Court brings "Second Reconstruction " to a close, 268-72; patter n of schoo l integration i n 1980s , 272-74; pos t World War II African-American fiction , 277-80, 282-83 ; postwa r historiogra phy , 283-86, 288 ; later African-Ameri can creative literature, 288-93; postwa r art, 293-9 7 African Heritag e Studie s Association, 229 , 288 Afro-American League , 14 , 1 9...
