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Acknowledgments Many people made significant contribution s to this work. The most obvious, perhaps, are the members of my dissertation committe e at Vanderbilt University . Pau l Conkin , th e dissertatio n director , im parted hi s wor k ethi c an d alway s treate d m e with tolerance , goo d humor, an d respect . Jame s Ely , th e secon d reader , supporte d an d guided m e wit h a pleasant , energeti c competenc e I admired fro m the start. Donald Winters, the committee chairman, became a friend of mine over the years, and I learned to value his insight as much as I enjoye d hi s whiskey . Dougla s Leac h taugh t m e colonia l histor y and gav e m e a n appreciatio n fo r me n lik e Franci s Parkma n an d Samuel Elio t Morison—historian s fro m olde r time s wit h muc h t o offer still . Joyc e Chapli n cam e lat e t o th e project , bu t sh e wa s a ready source of new ideas and challenging questions. Others mad e importan t contribution s a s well . Me l McKive n of fered suggestions that proved invaluable as I revised the dissertation for publication . Jim Williams di d th e same , then wen t through th e revision wit h a kin d spiri t an d a relentless editoria l eye . Michae l Clark helped me polish the prose, and Carl Richard gave the manuscript a last critical read. As my assistants i n the final stages of the project, Denis e Montgomer y an d especiall y Caro l McElro y greatl y facilitated it s timely completion. The work is better for the efforts of all these people, and to each I give a hearty thanks. But th e greates t contributio n cam e fro m Virginia , m y wif e o f many years. She remained enthusiastic and patient through the long xi xii Acknowledgment s dissertation process , listene d attentivel y fo r endles s hour s a s I talked throug h th e project , and , a s a professional librarian , helpe d me find and use the extensive materials I needed. Through it all, she shared th e sacrifice s mor e tha n th e triumphs , th e hardship s mor e than th e joys , an d neve r onc e complained . Withou t he r steadfas t support, there would have been no book. This I will not forget. ...
