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| 261 Accompaniment, 38, 63–64, 150, 175–76, 183, 198 ACORN. See Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now Activism. See Anti-poverty advocacy; Borderlands; Community activism, emergence of; Congregation-based activism; Immigrant rights activism; Peace activism; Prophetic activism; Worker rights activism Activists, justice: borderlands, 38, 99, 113; cosmopolitan, 99, 113, 146, 165; cosmopolitan-borderlands, 99, 113; evolution/innovation of, 235; prophets as, 41; religious v. secular, 38; texts commonly used by, 37–38; textual use by, 115, 160–61; training, 82, 96, 114, 146–47, 207; younger generation of, 77–78, 84, 85, 129–30, 201, 207, 211. See also Borderlands ; Cosmopolitans; Peace activism; Prophetic activism Afghanistan, 177 AFL-CIO, 102, 103–4, 106, 108–10, 129; scriptural texts in manuals published by, 114 Africa, 33, 222, 226–28; BFW in, 206; child soldiers in, 227–28; debt-relief program for, 215; HIV/AIDS programs in, 201–2, 219; humanitarian aid to, 201–2; poverty/ colonialism in, 204. See also Darfur African Americans, 85, 118; civil rights leaders, 54–55, 56; congregational-based organizing among, 82; incarceration of male, 95–96; Latinos/Latinas alliances with, 125, 155; marginalization of immigrant, 12; Protestant, 72; right to vote loss by, 24; satyagraha embraced by, 55; urban politics involvement of, 68–69; volunteer organizations founded by, 13; young/radical, 77–78 Agricultural laborers, Mexican, 137 Agriprocessors, raid on, 153, 157–58 AIDS, 201–2, 219 Alinsky, Saul, 69, 76, 77, 81, 111; UFW model v. CSO of, 105, 106 Alliance Schools, 93 American Muslim Voice (AMV), 195 Amnesty International, 148, 154 AMV. See American Muslim Voice Anti-globalization movement, 203 Anti-immigrant law, Arizona’s, 164–65. See also Sensenbrenner bill Anti-immigrant organizations, 133–34 Anti-poverty advocacy, 201–30; BFW’s, 201, 204–9; Invisible Children, 64–65, 226–29, 234–35; Jubilee 2000 campaign, 212–18; ONE campaign, 200, 201, 219–21; overview of global, 201–4; Save Darfur Coalition for, 222–26, 234; storytelling in, 211, 227, 228; WFP’s new focus on, 209–11 Anti-torture campaign, 187–89 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 27 Arellano, Elvira, 131–32, 150 Arizona, 133, 134, 135, 140–48, 149; immigrant deaths in border/desert of, 144; SB 1070 anti-immigrant law of, 164–65 Arnova, Raul, 121 Arpaio, Joe, 158, 159 Arrests: Arellano, 132; ICE raid/sixty mothers’, 157; NMD volunteers, 144, 147; Postville, 135; Villegas, 154 Index 262 | Index Asian Immigrants, 83, 137–38 Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), 74, 92 Back-of-the-Yards Neighborhood Council, 69, 77–78 Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development (BUILD), 91–92 Bauman, John, 73 Beckman, David, 201, 205, 213, 214–16 Beloved Community Center, 125, 126 Benhabib, Seyla, 136 Al-Beshir, Omar, 222 BFW. See Bread for the World Bible. See Hebrew Bible Biden, Joe, 160 Bobo, Kim, 109, 121–22, 129, 207 Bono, 201, 213, 215 Book of Numbers, 48 Border/border enforcement, Mexico-U.S., 133–34, 136, 140–43; death of migrants crossing, 58, 140–41, 144, 145–46, 165; NAFTA impact on, 210; policies, 140–41, 144; privilege in border work, 145, 146–47, 149; religious groups’ view of, 161–64 Borderlands, 32, 38; activists, 38; Chávez background and, 105; citizenship rights and, 24–26; congregation-based activism in, 67–96; cosmopolitans methodology v., 169–73, 232; cosmopolitans’ solidarity with low-wage workers of, 99, 113; hybridity in activism of, 120, 130; immigrant rights activism as situated in, 165; liberation methodologies used by, 61, 79; peace activism contrasted with activism in, 169–73; popular education model for, 67–68, 81–82, 143; prophetic tradition, 40–41; San Antonio as, 78, 79; as social location, 22–26; textual passages most used by, 46, 72; Tucson as city of, 140; 2001 assessment of congregation-based activism in, 83 Border Patrol, 137, 148–49 Border Protection legislation. See Sensenbrenner bill Boycotts, 119, 158 BPF. See Buddhist Peace Fellowship Bracero program, 138 Bread for the World, 201, 204–9 Bread for the World Institute, 219 British colonialists, in Kenya, 216 Brookings Institution, 22–23 Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF), 170, 175, 196–97, 198 Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge, 147 Buffet, Warren, 201 BUILD. See Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development Bush, George W., 167 Bush Administration, 104, 143, 162, 194, 219–20; AIDS relief bill supported by, 201–2; ICE enforcement strengthened under, 153; torture sanctioned by, 188; 287g program under, 155 Calderón, Felipe, 132 Call to Renewal, 36, 94 Cambodians, 85 Canaanites, 35–36, 50 Car-wash workers, 97...
