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12 my recently implanted gov’t eco guilt chip is zapping me from a millimeter beneath the skin at the top of my spine to inform me that my morning dump, the paper w/ which I wiped and the flush that sent it all sewerward has cost the planet six gallons of fresh aquifer water and two sturdy limbs from a VA oak forest where formerly ruffed grouse thrived when acorns abounded. This information was relayed to me via text message along with a prescription for a single pill of unknown pharmaceutical composition which I must by law ingest before lunch to ensure my brain chemistry is properly altered and sufficient feelings of remorse ensue. Since I work at noon I will have to drive not bike to the pharmacy thus activating the chip again and triggering a more potent prescription. It is all enough to make one cry and being one I do, shedding ample tears—and reaching momentarily for a Kleenex before drying my eyes on my sleeve. ...
