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Subject Index 299 Action Française, 104, 261n75 Alexandria, 74. See also exile Algerian Jews, 113 Alliance Israélite Universelle, 8, 95, 100, 113, 114–15, 262n89 Alsace, Alsace-Lorraine, 93, 106, 113, 124, 145 America, 78, 101, 136–37. See also United States Anschluss, 119, 131, 166, 172 anti-Semitism, 35, 38, 101–2, 121, 135, 219; in America, 101; in France, 86, 91, 98, 120, 122, 257n13; in Germany, 21, 30, 39, 90–92, 114, 118, 121, 123, 161; in Hungary, 131, 156–58, 160–62, 167–68, 171, 185–86, 191, 197–98, 214; in Poland, 132, 135, 232 appeasement policy, 119–20, 123, 150 archaic-mythic discourse, 24, 27, 35, 38, 39–40, 45, 52, 65, 160. See also cyclical view of history Arrow Cross Party (Hungary), 158, 165, 172, 186, 190 Asia, 136 assimilation, 34–35, 39, 42–50, 92–97, 118, 143, 178–82, 198–202, 215, 228–230; active, 50; bankruptcy of, failure of, 132–133, 207, 215, 217, 227; continuous, 201–202; external, 32; false understanding of, 42, 180, 198, 211, 225; full, 141, 196; hyperassimilation, overassimilation, 179, 199; “melting in” (összeolvadás), 197; national, 179; natural, 180; Orthoprax, 49; “old assimilatory Jewish shadow-life,” 34, 225; partial, 48; radical, 59, 202; realistic, 180; religious, 179; swallowing, 107; total, 209–210; unhealthy, 179; unrestrained, 227 Austerlitz, 45, 220 Austria, Austrians, Austrian, 92, 131, 156, 169, 188, 190, 213. See also Anschluss Australia, 78 Babylon, 74, 78. See also Babylonian exile Baden, 56 Bar Kokhba Revolt, 59 Battle of Mohács (1526), 156, 159, 167– 68, 175, 182, 188, 191, 214, 271n18 Battle of Valmy (1792), 145–46, 150, 222 Bavaria, 76 Bavarian Jewish law (1813), 72 Berlin, 37, 51, 66 Berlin-Rome axis, 150 Bildung, 33, 61–62; Judaism of, 62, 75 Black Death, 90, 215 bolshevism, 160, 172 Bordeaux, 145 Boulanger coup d’état (France), 91 bourgeoisie, bourgeois culture, bourgeois values, 25, 26, 28, 58, 135–36, 210–11 Brazil, 77 Budapest, Pest, 155, 158, 172, 202 Bund, Bundists, 84, 135–36, 221 300 S U B J E C T I N D E X Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens (Central Union of the German Citizens of the Jewish Faith [CV]), 1, 10, 21–22, 40, 50, 53, 57–58, 61, 77, 245n62 cheder (a traditional elementary school), 131 Christianity, church, 3, 10, 40, 94, 121, 126, 128, 157, 172–75, 183; antiSemitism , 110; Calvinists, 159, 172; Catholics, Catholicism, 88, 147, 151, 157, 159–60, 172–73; ChristianJewish alliance, monotheistic alliance, 148, 151, 173; European entity, 160; German state, 65; Jewish-Christian relationships, 62; Protestantism, Protestants, 66; social, 169; true, 110, 178 Cologne, 56, 57 Consistoire Central des Israélite de France (Central Consistory of the Jews of France), 8, 83, 94, 98, 105, 124, 140, 221, 224–25 conversions, of Jews to Christianity, 36–37, 62, 66–67, 170, 178, 180–81, 197, 204–5 counting of the Omer, 205, 244n55 Croix-de-Feu (Cross of Fire, France), 98, 105 crusades, 128, 138, 167, 175, 182, 206, 209, 215, 222; swastika, 138 culture of defeat, 12, 159–160, 223 cyclical course of exile, cyclical regularity of exile, 112, 214, 216 cyclical view of history: in Germany, 24, 27; of German Jewish history, 40–41, 57, 77, 246n92; of Hungarian Jewish History, 168, 183, 191; of Jewish history, 38–40, 42, 70–71, 73, 79, 103, 134, 143–45, 194, 206, 223–24. See also archaic-mythic discourse; historical regularity Czechoslovakia, 5, 156; Czechs, 174; Slovakia, 185; Slovaks, 174, 209 Damascus Affair, 100, 114, 260n63 Debrecen, 172 Dessau, 51 destruction of the Temple, the fall of ancient Jerusalem, 39, 48, 78, 90, 138, 206 Deutscher Vortrupp (German Vanguard), 42 Diaspora, 72–79, 214, 216; global Diaspora Judaism, 78; Jewish nationalism, 181, 211. See also exile; immigration dissimilation, 39, 77, 197, 215 Distanz (distance), 58–59, 250n24 Dreyfus Affair, Dreyfus Trial, 10, 11, 83, 86, 91, 105, 237n32, 269n109 eastern Europe, 35, 206. See also Poland; Russia 1848 revolution, 26, 72, 92, 121. See also szabadságharc emancipation, 2–3, 31–38, 42–45, 92– 97, 178–82, 198, 210–12, 219–32; in America, 137, 198; ancient, 40, 56, 58; de-emancipation, 157; in England, 42; external, 61, 63; first, 42; group, 245n62; in France, 42, 99, 100, 101, 111, 134, 204, 226, 267n41; future of, 131–32, 162, 224; in Germany, 31, 47, 77, 91, 101, 141; in Hungary, 155–56, 158, 164–66, 177...
