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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Publication of this book was possible only with the full cooperation of the staff of the Benson Ford Research Center of Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village. Permission to select photographs from a collection of more than 70,000 was granted by Judith Endelman, Terry Hoover, Cynthia Read Miller, and Catherine Latendresse. Help in finding appropriate photographs for the book was provided by Carol Wright, Jan Hiatt, Alene Solloway, and Andrea Gietzen. Melissa Haddock ably accomplished the scanning of the 390 photographs used in the book. Book compositor and designer was Mary Primeau. Wendy Warren Keebler did the editing. Arthur Evans and Alice Nigoghosian arranged for the distribution of the book by Wayne State University Press of Detroit, Michigan. Many, many others provided enthusiastic support which I find very helpful in a project such as this. — FRB 9 ...
