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abolitionism, radical, 44–46, 48, 51, 158, 167n8; criticism of, 103, 172n7, 175n6. See also Radical Abolition Party Adams, Abigail, 1 Adams, John, 1–2, 97, 164n1 AERA. See American Equal Rights Association Agamben, Giorgio, 2 Allende, Isabel, 161–62 Alzate Cadavid, Carolina, 172n6 amalgamation, x, 6–7, 112, 119–22, 163n4; Collins’s views on, 127–29, 132; cultural, 23, 84, 163n2; denounced by antireformers, 18–19, 77; geographic, x, 30, 57–58, 61, 102, 162, 165n1; Livermore’s views on, 93–95, 98–99, 101–3; racial, 15–16, 159; reformers’ views on, 20, 26, 168n11; and slavery. See also cross-racial romance; interracial marriage; miscegenation; mulattos and mulattas; octoroons; quadroons; and sexuality: racialized American Colonization Society, 25 American Equal Rights Association, 137–43, 145, 150, 152–53, 155–56, 176n10, 176n12 American exceptionalism, xi, 84, 160, 161 Anderson, Douglas, xi, 164 Anglo-American: aggression, 17–18, 26; capitalism, 43, 69–70; ethnic identity, xiii, 173n8; imperialism, xii, 61; nationalism, xiv, 2, 6–9, 40, 166n6, 167n6; property rights, 28; racialized representations, 84, 90–95; sovereignty challenged, 4–5, 12, 29–36, 39–42, 47, 72, 76; supremacy, xi, 19. See also whiteness; white space Anthony, Susan B., 137, 139–43, 150, 175n3, 175n12, 177n15 antireform writing, 7, 8, 14–19 Arendt, Hannah, 163n4 Attucks, Crispus, 2 Austin, James Trecothick, 7, 18, 61, 77, 122 Avellaneda, Gertrudis Gómez de, xii, 108–9, 171n1, 172n6; autobiography, 9, 172n1; Sab, x, 7, 9, 56–81, 162, 172nn3–4 Bakhtin, Mikhael, 17 Ballou, Maturin Murray, 7, 104–8 Bauer, Ralph, 58 Bay, Mia, 87 Belasco, Susan, 167n9 Bell, Michael Davitt, 160, 164n5, 164n7 Bennett, Michael, 165n3 Berlant, Lauren, xi Berzon, Judith, 77 Bethel, Elizabeth Rauh, 167n9 Blackwell, Henry, 137, 141, 176n9 Bloch, Ruth, 107 Bonaparte, Josephine, 5 Bosco, Ronald, 167n8 Bost, Suzanne, 88, 163n3 Boukman, Dutty, 161 Boyer, Jean-Pierre, 5 Bradfield, Scott, 160 Brickhouse, Anna, 61, 68 Broca, Paul, 7, 14 Brody, Jennifer, 163n3 Brown, Elsa Barkley, 44, 154, 171n11, 174n9 Brown, Gillian, 103, 170n8 Brown, Gordon, 164n1 Index 196 Index cosmopolitanism, xii, 29, 86, 92, 95 Coviello, Peter, xiii–xiv Crenshaw, Kimberlé Williams, 175n6 (chap.5) Creole culture, 151: Cuban, 56–57, 61–64, 67, 69–70, 72; Haitian, 133–37, 151; Louisianan, 110–15, 128 Croly, David, 150 cross-racial romance, x–xiv, 4, 6–7, 108–9, 158–60; 172n7; in The Curse of Caste (Collins), 110–11; in Sab (Avellaneda), 57–58, 61–62, 64–65, 73–76; in Zoë (Livermore), 93, 99. See also amalgamation; interracial marriage Cuba, 56–63, 67, 69–70, 72–73, 75, 172n4, 175n1 Curse of Caste, The (Collins), 9, 110–20, 123–36, 162, 174n2 Dash, J. Michael, 158 Davies, Catherine, 74 Davis, Angela, 14 Davis, David Brion, 11 Davis, Paulina, 138, 175n3 Dayan, Joan, 22 Delany, Martin, 20–21, 174n1 de Man, Paul, 130 Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, 167n7, 168n10, 168n13 Douglass, Frederick, 20, 21, 40, 43–44, 83, 84, 164n7; in suffrage debates, 137–42, 176n7, 176n9 DuBois, Ellen, 176n9 Dubois, Laurent, 167n7 Du Bois, W. E. B., 22, 160–61 Dunbar-Nelson, Alice, 159, 161 DuPlessis, Rachel Blau, xiii Dursten, Hannah, 5 Emerson, Charles Chauncy, xii, 59, 94; antislavery lecture, 11–13, 22–26, 167n8 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 38–40, 44–46, 59, 93, 167n8, 168n11; and Haiti, 11, 23, 165n1 emigration, 20, 29, 102–3 era of reform, ix, 6, 58, 157, 160, 163n1 Ernest, John, 136, 165n5 Eugène Sue, Joseph Marie, 173n8 Fifteenth Amendment, 135, 137, 141–45, Brown, John, x, 21–22, 43–44, 157 Brown, William Wells, 90 Budick, Emily, 163n5 Caliban, 5, 164n2 Carby, Hazel, 171n9 Carden, Mary Paniccia, 164n6 Caribbean, xiii, 4, 97–98, 158, 160–61, 166n5; trade, 2, 164n1. See also Cuba; Haiti Carpentier, Alejo, 159, 161 Castronovo, Russ, 166n6 Chambers, Ross, 123–24 Channing, William Ellery, 18, 71, 82 Chesnutt, Charles, 159–60 Child, Lydia Maria, 6, 20, 22–23, 34, 90, 157–9, 161–62, 170n8; Hobomok, xii, 58, 168n11; Romance of the Republic, x, 10, 135, 158 Choate, Rufus, xi–xii, 163n5 Christianity. See Christian republicanism. See under corporeality Christian Recorder, 110, 120–23, 131, 145, 150, 152 Christian republicanism, 102–3, 109, 157; in Jacobs’s thought, 46–47, 50–52; in Livermore’s thought, 82, 84–91, 97, 99 citizenship: abolitionists’ views of, 38, 43, 45, 85–86, 166n6; of black Americans, 169n15, 171n9, 171n11; discussed in the Christian Recorder, 120–23, 145; in Harper’s thought, 145, 153, 178n20; in Jacobs’s...
