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Contents Preface ix Introduction  . Thomas Jefferson’s Religion and Religious Liberty  . Virginia’s Establishment and the Revolutionary Battle for Religious Liberty  . The Virginia Statute for Establishing Religious Freedom  . The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: A Jeffersonian Compromise  . From the First Amendment to Reynolds: Jefferson Ascendant  . Federal Control: Jefferson’s Vision in Our Times  . Jefferson’s Enduring Legacy  Documentary Appendix Virginia Statute for Establishing Religious Freedom (original and edited versions)  Memorial & Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments  First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution  Memorial from the General Convention of Virginia Presbyterians, August ,  (Bethel)  L[  Y Resolution of the Virginia Baptist General Committee, August ,   Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists, January , , and Related Letters to Levi Lincoln and from Gideon Granger  Notes  Bibliography  Index  [ ...
