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417 Abdurahman, Abdullah, 213 achteruitgang van ons volk, De (The Degeneration of Our People; Malan), 137 Adams College, 293–94. See also Amanzimtoti Seminary Africa Bureau, 306 Africa for the Africans (Booth), 64, 89 African character, 65–81; and African worldview , 65–69, 80; change after traditional culture destroyed, 119; and Christianity, 165; creed of “spoiled nigger,” 177; Dutch view of, 170; Europeanization’s effect on, 175–76; intelligence and educability, 193, 225; liberalism’s misunderstanding of, 253; and missionary-educated Africans, 163–64; missionary view of superficiality of, 69–71, 96, 100; and puberty degeneration, 79. See also sexuality of Africans African Congregational Church, 94 African Independent Churches, 269. See also Ethiopianism; “Zionist” churches African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), 9, 85, 87, 91, 93 African National Congress (ANC): ban of, 315; and Bantu Education Act (1953), 289; on citizenship and equality, 206–7; confrontation of apartheid government, 6; convening Congress of the People, 311; cooperating with COD, 309; flourishing in 1940s, 275–76; founding of, 4; multiracialist wing of, 318; Programme of Action (civil disobedience), 298–99; secession of Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) from, 314; threat of, 149; Umkonto We Sizwe (military arm), 318; Youth League, 312, 314 African Political Organization, 204 African Presbyterian Church, 87 African religions, 32–33, 66–67, 84 African reserves, 303 African rulers: building congregations of converts by converting of, 21–22; challenging missionaries for control of their churches, 32; in missionary strategizing, 67; mission stations, relationship with, 24 “Africans’ Claims in South Africa” (ANC), 275–76, 322 African Yearly Register (Skota), 124 Afrikaner, Die (Meyer), 248–49 Afrikanerbond vir Rassestudie (Afrikaner Society for the Study of Race), 233, 237 Afrikaner Broederbond (Afrikaner Brotherhood ), 239, 246, 247, 248, 257, 317 Afrikaner nationalism. See nationalism, Afrikaner “Age of Segregation” (1910–48), 4 Aggrey, James Emman Kwegyir, 149–50, 164, 186 alcohol. See liquor sales All-African Convention, 216, 217–18, 276 Amanzimtoti Seminary, 183. See also Adams College American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions: black-white ratio of ministers, 107; education of missionaries by, 19; expansion in Natal, 84; and federalist proposals, 95; mission station model used by, 21; participation in General Missionary Conferences, 111t, 112t; reconciliation with “native churches,” 94; and revivals, 35, 37; schools operated by, 183, 293, 294; secessions from, 87, 89; urban work of, 139 ANC. See African National Congress (ANC) Anderson, Rufus, 45, 86, 224 Andrews, C. F., 98, 164 Anglican Church: on abolition of Cape franchise, 217, 218, 220; activists against apartheid, 310; and Bantu Education Act (1953), 289, 291–92; and British institutions and racism, 210–13; and CCSA, 270; “The Church and the Nation” (commission report 1941), 272–73; and English education of blacks, 189; ordaining Africans, 35, 85; INDEX Tables and figures are indicated by “t” or “f” following page numbers. 418 Index Atlantic Charter (1941), 275, 322 authoritarian ideology, 239, 247 Axenfeld, Karl, 173 Badenhorst, C. H., 304 Ballinger, Margaret (Hodgson), 260, 275, 308 Ballinger, William, 260, 261 Balmforth, Ramsden, 213 banning of PAC and ANC, 315 Bantu. See entries starting with “African”; apartheid; segregation Bantu Are Coming, The (Phillips), 259 Bantu Authorities Act (1951), 298 Bantu Education Act (1953), 181, 196, 283– 84, 288–96 Bantu in the City, The (Phillips), 259 Bantu Men’s Social Center, 110, 141 Bantu Prophets in South Africa (Sundkler), 91 Bapedi Lutheran Church, 59 baptism, 27, 38, 39, 76, 319. See also salvation Barker, George, 28 Barnard, Anne, 14–15 Barth, Karl, 174–75, 177 Basuin, Die (Free State Mission journal), 228, 234 Basutoland: British annexation of, 61; cooperation between officials and missionaries in, 117; de facto political segregation in, 207 Batavian Republic (1803–6), 39 Bechuanaland, 61, 67 Bekommerd (Kerkbode correspondent and “gang”), 243–44, 245 Bekommerd, Saam, 244–45, 246 “Benevolent Empire,” 3, 116, 131, 325, 326; organizing, 110–15; scope of, 107–10. See also missionary conferences; Social Gospel Bennie, William Govan, 117 Berlin Missionary Society: African clergy as employees of, 35; in Anglo-Boer War, 172; and Bantu Education Act, 296; at missionary conferences, 111t, 111–12, 112t, 174; and Nazis, 177; ordination of Africans, 85; radical missionary joining African Bapedi Lutheran Church, 59; and teaching of European languages to Africans, 282; urban missions, 139 Bethelsdorp (LMS station), 16, 21, 25, 28 Bible: and African culture, 71, 74–75, 77; Afrikaans, publication of, 239; “higher critical” analysis of, 132, 136, 243; Jesus’s use of word “nations,” 224–25; no supOrder of Ethiopia admitted to, 90, 91, 93, 95; participation in General Missionary...
