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Index Acevedo, Ramón Luis, 136, 144 Adler-Lomnitz et al., 151–52, 163, 174, 186 Alcântara, Lúcio, 60, 99 Aldana Rivera, Susana, 12, 14–15, 191 Alegría, Claribel and Darwin Flakoll: Cenizas de Izalco, 130–37 Alemar, Luis, 44–45 Alencar, José de, 64, 66; O sertanejo, 64–65 Almeida, José Américo de, 86–95; A bagaceira, 87, 90–93; O boqueirão, 86, 90, 93; O ciclo revolucionário do Ministério da Viação, 93; Coiteiros, 93; A Paraíba e seus problemas, 88–89; Reflexões de uma cabra, 88 Amado, Jorge, 87, 97, 100 Anderson, Benedict, 35, 184 Anderson, Jon, 51–52 Araújo Lima, José Francisco, 88, 94 Argueta, Manlío: Magic Dogs of the Volcanoes, 138–39 Arizpe, Lourdes, 166 Asamblea de Barrios, 173–74, 186, 189 autobiography, 165; and collective representation, 128–29; therapeutic uses of, 133–34 Azevedo, Aluísio, 68 Balaguer, Joaquín, 53 banditry. See cangaço Bankoff, Greg, 8, 17, 21 Barthes, Roland, 106 Bartra, Roger, 176–77 Bello, Andrés: “Silva a la agricultura de la zona tórrida,” 113, 120 Beverley, John, 100 blanqueamiento, 126 Borge Martínez, Tomás, 141–42 Bosch, Juan, 30, 52 Brea García, Emilio José, 49 Callado, Antonio, 24, 98 Campos, Marco Antonio: Hemos perdido el reino, 175, 178, 181 cangaço (cangaceirismo), 75–77; as narrative mode, 78–79 canonization, 28, 123, 169–70, 174, 193–94 Canudos War, 23–24, 62, 81–83, 85, 206n11 Cárdenas, Cuauhtémoc, 147, 172–74, 185–87 Castells, Manuel, 160 Castelo Branco, Francisco Gil: Ataliba, 64–66 causality, 68, 76–77, 79, 131, 136, 164, 175, 192 Cavalcanti Proença, Manoel, 91 Cerwonka, Allaine, 112 César, Getúlio, 101–2 Céstero Burgos, Tulio, 31 Cícero, Padre, 86 citizenship, 27, 136, 194; Brazilian, and the sertão, 57, 60, 64, 83; Central American concepts of, 123–24; Dominican, under Trujillo, 43–44; Mexican concepts of, 150, 169–70, 176–80, 184, 214n12 Ciudad Trujillo, 29–30, 44–45, 49–50 civil society, 147, 166–67; and the democracy narrative, 168–69, 174–75, 178–79, 181, 184, 186, 188 238 Index 116, 118–23, 141–43; “A Roosevelt,” 109, 119; El viaje a Nicaragua, 118 Davis, Mike, 5 Debord, Guy: Society of the Spectacle, 42 decentralization of institutional power, 182, 188 disaster; collectivization of, 35–40, 157–61; definitions, 1–6, 21–22; as divine punishment or vengeance, 10–14; frequency, 6; vs. hazard, 8; man-made, 28; and narrative, 6–7, 22, 108–9, 191–95; profiteering, 71–72; and psychological transformation, 33–36, 108, 136; and the renegotiation of political power, 2, 6–7, 146–47, 159, 185, 191–95; and time, 21; tourism, 42. See also cultural responses to disaster disastered subject, 25, 130, 132–35; and nationalism, 30–35, 39–40, 136; and social revolution, 140 discourse, and disaster, 2–3, 6–7, 15–16 domestic space, and political organization, 139, 179, 184 Dominicanidad, 43–44, 52–54 drought (in Northeastern Brazil), the Great Drought of 1877–1879, 58, 66–67, 76, 78, 80; history, 58, 60; institutionalization of, 84–86, 95–98; literature of, 59–60, 78–79, 96–99, 207n18 Drought Polygon. See Polígono das Secas Educação Nova, and the social sciences, 96 environmental determinism, 19–20, 76, 82, 84, 88 epic, 121–22, 174–75, 208n31 Estado Novo, 23, 94, 97 experiências, 101–3 expropriation, following earthquake, 158, 167 failure, and history, 31–32, 176–77, 217n51 Federación de Centroamérica, 113 folklore, 98–99, 138–39 foundational narratives, 11, 19, 22–23, 41–43, 109, 112–14, 116, 121–23, 164, 174–75, 193–95; crónicas as, 164, 169. See also epic Foweraker, Joe, 160–61 coiteiros (coronéis), 87. See also Almeida, José Américo de collage: in collective testimonials, 172, 178–79; and heritage, 115–16, 143; naturalistic, 67 Columbus, Christopher, 31; and 1495 hurricane, 11 comparative analysis, 26–27 concertación, 172–73, 189. See also Convenio consensus: through corporate interest bargaining and encompassment, 26, 147, 151, 161; democratic, 16, 185; and nationalism, 143; in representation, 7, 60, 164, 191, 206n10; in risk assessment, 78, 80, 105 Convenio de Concertación Democrática para la Reconstrucción de Vivienda, 147, 161–62, 169–70 Coordinadora Nacional del Movimiento Urbano Popular, 159–60 Coordinadora Única de Damnificados, 159, 161–63, 166, 170, 172–73, 184 Corona, Ignacio, 164–65 Corona...
