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access of voice, 135 action research, 19–20 adaptive governance, 115 adaptive management, 21, 22–23, 35, 40, 45–48; in action, 30–33; active, 51–52, 55; case study of, 50–51; collaborative , 47, 56; communication and application barriers to, 67–68; community-based, 53; defining, 51–52; and ecological process model, 59; external barriers to, 66–67; institutional barriers to, 65; and lessons for collaboration, 199–200; and monitoring, 46, 53–54; passive, 52; process of, 52–55; and system models, 69, 60; trends in, 47–48; value of, 48 agencies, 106, 108, 112–14, 116, 203; capacity and culture, 84–86, 131, 139–40, 208; challenges for, 11, 133; educating, 95–96; and flexibility, 132–33; and loss of control, 167; recommendations for, 71–72, 105–6, 140–41, 207, 209–10; roles of, 118–21; support from, 84, 87, 89, 90, 106, 112, 210; and transparency, 163 agreement, 81, 100, 104; small, 174; zone of, 103 Alden, Robin, 27 Ames, Ted, 27 Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, 101 apology, 165 Applegate Partnership, 3, 8 Arizona Game and Fish Department, 100 Arizona Sustainable Forests Partnership, 91–92 authority, lack of, 84, 88–89 BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement), 165 beliefs, theoroids about, 153, 157 Beutler, Lisa, 174 bounded rationality, 20 brainstorming, 159–60 bricolage, 159 Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 3, 11, 50, 51–52, 111, 133; and Cooperative Conservation Initiative, 120–21, 127 CALFED, 130 Cascabel Ranch, 36 case studies, 11, 13, 176 Catron County Citizens Group (New Mexico), 130 Catron County collaborative, 3 Central Valley Project Improvement Act, 98 champions, 93–94 Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 137 Chiles, Lawton, 137 cognitive dissonance, 154 collaboration: building knowledge about, 210–12; commitment to, 167, 171–72; deciding worth of, 168, 190; definitions of, 2–3; incentives for, 100, 168, 172, 174; motivation for, 191–92; preparation for, 204–5; standards for, Index 224 index collaboration (continued) 2; sustaining, 171; theories about, 146–47; when to pursue,177 collaborative adaptive ecosystem management, 48 collaborative governance, 114–16, 201, 208; as adaptive governance, 115–16; context of, 112–14; requirements for, 115 Colorado State University (CSU), 50 community, sense of, 172 community-based collaboration: best practices for, 204–6; capacity of, 12–13; challenges of, 10–11, 81, 85; conflicts about, 6–7; contributions of, 7–10, 19, 70, 108, 141, 189; critiques of, 81, 190; formation of, 12; future of, 200–203; growth of, 4–6, 154, 200; need for, 189, 192–200; —, adaptive, 192, 198–200; —, civic, 192, 197–98; —, moral, 192, 196–97; —, practical, 192, 193–96; obstacles to, 82–91, 113; questions about, 189, 212; recommendations about, 203–4, 213; and related terminology, 1–2; and why it matters, 2 community-based collaboration outcomes , 213; environmental, 11–12, 46, 81, 82–83; measuring, 11–13 Community-Based Collaboratives Research Consortium (CBCRC), 2, 58, 131, 190 complexity, 13 conflict, 199–200; cultured, 205 conservation, community-based, 28–30 convener, 207–8; universities as, 208 Cook, John, 33 Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative (CCPI), 130 Coos Watershed Association (CWA), 58–59, 111 Coronado National Forest, 101 culture, 146; and differences, 165; Native American, 165; role of, 170 decision space, 207 demonstration projects, 102–3 Diablo Trust, 12, 13, 53, 55–56, 58, 59, 60, 63, 72 Dombeck, Michael, 133 Downeast Initiative, 10, 27, 82, 94, 95, 103 East Africa, 24, 28 ecology, 23; community perspective on, 24; ecosystem perspective, 24; evolutionary perspective, 24; science of, 24 economics, 148; and incentives of participation, 168–70; theoroid of, 167–68; and theoroid of costs and benefits, 171 ecosystem management, 35; outcomes of, 13 education, 97; of stakeholders, 155–56 Elizabeth River Project (Virginia), 97, 98, 100, 104, 207 Empire-Cienega Biological Planning Team, 67 endangered species, 4 Endangered Species Act, 5, 85, 173 environmentalists, 91, 93, 102 Environmental Protection Agency, 129; and pilot programs, 129–30 Environment/Public Policy Section of the Association for Conflict Resolution , 209 Everglades, 137 Executive Order on Facilitation of Cooperative Conservation, 105 expertocracy, 7 facilitator, 159, 162, 209; impartiality of, 147, 163; sharing process ownership , 167 fairness: and outcomes, 160, 161–62, 164; and power, 162; theoroids of, 160, 162 Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 85 fire, 32, 35–37, 38, 53, 59, 68, 98, 125, 128–29 fisheries, 25–28; cod, 25, 26; decline of, 89; and groundfishing, 25 forgiveness, 165 foundations, 131 forests, 82, 92 funding, 97–98, 105 Gila National Forest, 93 governance, environmental, 1, 5, 13 Gray Ranch, McKinney Flats Project...
