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Index Italicized page numbers indicate figures and tables. Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa (ASGISA), 42, 43, 122– 23, 157, 161, 162, 171n33, 171n38 Achmat, Zachie, 242, 249 Africa: corruption assessment in, 277–78; country comparisons of, 35, 73, 85, 91–92, 92, 96; income poverty in, 21; official vs. national languages in, 316; postapartheid South Africa vs. decolonized governments in, 7–9 African National Congress (ANC): aspirations of, 72–74, 98n1; call for public broadcasting of, 342; capitalism ’s implications for, 65–66; consolidation of power, 1, 4, 199–200; empowerment state idea and, 64–65; investment in Virodene, 186; judicial independence as viewed in, 263n35; leadership conflicts in, 2–4, 66–68, 97, 118–19, 125, 128; preparation for governance , 7–8; rural struggles marginalized by, 295, 296, 304–5; temptations avoided by, 6–7; theory of governance and legitimacy held in, 75–82, 96–97; Youth League of, 2, 4. See also democratic legitimacy; elections; government policy; and specific presidents by name African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), 277–78, 288 African Union, 278 Afrikaans language, 311, 312, 315, 318–20 Afrobarometer, 73, 84, 85, 91, 95, 98n3, 220 AGRISA (farmers union), 300, 305 Agüero, Jorge M., 156 AIDS policy: approach to, 12; early government failures in, 38, 181–82; Mbeki’s AIDS denialism and, 12, 182–83, 186– 90; politics of, 189–94; resistance to antiretrovirals distribution, 182, 183– 86. See also HIV/AIDS ALARM (Alliance of Land and Agrarian Reform Movements), 303–4 All African Convention (AAC), 295 anticorruption reforms: approach to, 14–15, 274; context of, 269–73; initial hopes and aspirations of, 274–76; measuring mechanisms of, 278–81, 280; partnerships in, 277–78; policies, acts, and agencies in, 276–78; prospects for furthering, 287–88; timeline of, 289–91; weaknesses in, 281–87. See also corruption apartheid: business community’s engagement with and challenge to, 106–7; cor- 364 Index Brazil: income poverty in, 21–22; infant and child mortality in, 31; land movement in, 303 Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act (2003), 61 Broadcasting Act (1999), 339–40, 341, 342, 344 Broadcasting Amendment Act (2002), 340, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347 Building a Winning Nation (CBM), 113 Bureau of Economic Research, 148 Business Against Crime (BAC), 113, 114, 116, 125, 131 business community: ANC’s work with, 65–68, 106–7, 108, 111–12; apartheid engaged and challenged by, 106–7; approach to, 11; aspirations after 1976, 56–58; BEE partnerships and, 52, 61–64; collective action and leadership needed in, 127–28; cost of doing business in South Africa, 124– 25; economic and social context of (after 2009 election), 122–23; empowerment schemes and, 64–66; expectations of majority and, 105–6, 112, 117, 125, 130–31; globalization and competition issues for, 120–22; heterogeneity of, 105–6, 115; labor legislation and, 40; political context of (after 2009 election), 118–20; role after apartheid, 112–17; role in constitutional and peace negotiations, 108–10; role in democratic transition, 110–12; role in near future, 125–30; SABC sell-off and, 337–38; white “border industries” for homelands, 54. See also Consultative Business Movement (CBM); National Business Initiative for Growth, Development, and Democracy (NBI) Business Election Fund (BEF), 111 Business Forum, 111 Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA), 116, 127–28, 131 Business South Africa, 114 Business Trust, 113, 114–15, 116, 131 Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), 116, 127, 131 ruption in, 274–75; economy under, 57– 58, 171n36; HIV/AIDS infection rate in, 181; language issue in, 311; legacy in education, 322–23; legality and rule of law in, 234–37, 260n5; media environment in, 333, 335; rejection of, 85–87, 87, 100n16; South Africanness denied under, 94; spatial dimension of, 53–54; state-imposed white privileges transformed into market-based class privileges, 29; totalitarian nature of, 98n1. See also inequalities; National Party (NP); poverty Australia, fiscal reform in, 162–64 Bantu Building Workers Act (1951), 54 Bantu education, 54, 322–23 Bantu Investment Corporation (BIC) Act (1959), 54 Basic Conditions of Employment Act (1997), 39 basic income grant (BIG), 45 Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd. v. Minister of Environmental Affairs and Others (2004), 248, 249 BEE. See black economic empowerment (BEE) Big Business Working Group (BBWG), 116–17, 125 black bourgeoisie, 53, 59–60, 66–68 Black Business Council, 114–15 black economic empowerment (BEE): approach to, 10, 52–53; arms deal and, 282; business’s task to address, 128–29; cabinet members bene...
