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Italicized page numbers refer to illustrations. agrarianism, Japanese, 37, 38, 41; cynicism in, 157; urban values and, 80; view of cities, 155 Aoshima, Governor, 192 architecture: east-west attitude toward, 105–6; role in authority, 106, 226; stone versus wood, 46, 47, 49 —Japanese: of colonial capitals, 64, 105–6, 115, 129, 217; contemporary, 130; impermanence in, 224; premodern , 49; of Tokyo, 174, 175, 210, 213; Western-style, 66 —Parisian, 206; of center, 211; church, 134; controversy concerning, 174; Gothic, 8, 50 Ark Hills (Tokyo), 127, 129, 201; megacomplexes of, 149; success of, 215 art, Japanese versus Parisian, 174 artillery, defense against, 54, 72 authority: and city building, 71–75; role of architecture in, 106, 226; soft and hard, 53, 67 —French, 51–53, 223, 224; in form of Paris, 77, 226; Parisian fear of, 22, 71; rivalry for, 52 —Japanese, 51–53, 135, 223; basis for, 145; challenges to, 75; political, 22; soft, 67, 205, 207; in Tokyo, 22, 71, 226 autonomy: European, 182, 192; Japanese, 16, 191; —, for cities, 182, 188, 226; —, state suppression of, 255n99; Parisian, 9, 190, 219 Azuma Ryūtarō, 195 BANANA principle (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anybody), 198 banlieue. See Paris: suburbs Barthes, Roland, 211; Empire of Signs, 79, 87 Bastille: fortification of, 71; functions of, 253n42; transformation of, 238n112 Batignolles project (Paris), 63, 125–26, 214–15 Belleville, unrest in, 109, 164 Benedict, Ruth, 257n61 Berque, Augustin, 45 Blockmans, Wim, 183 Bodart-Bailey, Beatrice, 238n119 Bourbon monarchy, Paris under, 190. See also Louis XIV (king of France) bourgeoisie, Parisian, 57; fear of proletariat , 159, 164, 205; power of, 70, 193 Buddhism: temples of, 35, 93, 237n94; in Tokyo, 51; view of death, 134 index 276 | index Caisse des Dépôts (development agency), 111 Capetian kings, Paris under, 62, 189–90 capitals: commemorative structures of, 132; Others in, 160, 227; political values of, 226–27; as reflections of society , 20; relationship with provinces, 2; relationship with state, 51–53, 61, 189–93, 204; relationship with suburbs , 201; threats from, 153 —Japanese: Chinese plans of, 63–64, 72; colonial, 64, 66, 105–6, 115, 129, 217; symbolism of, 146 Cartesianism: in city form, 22, 106; versus organicism, 223 castles, Japanese, 93, 134, 137, 143–44. See also Edo Castle; Osaka: Castle centers, continuum with peripheries, 22, 79, 80, 151, 205 Charles V (king of France), wall of, 91 Charles X (king of France), 9 Chevalier, Louis, The Assassination of Paris, 175 Chidorigafuchi National Cemetery (Tokyo), 150, 248n86 Chirac, Jacques, 62, 126, 190; and arrondissements , 43, 193; national leadership of, 194 cities: borders of, 223; built environments of, 2, 21, 34; centrifugal and centripetal, 30, 79; Chinese, 135, 152; concepts of order in, 20, 55; convergence among, 2; cultural predispositions toward, 152; economic causation in, 24, 25; effect of fear on, 53–54, 55; global, 19; intergovernmental relationships of, 186–87; memories contained in, 19, 21; as monuments, 131; as objects, 22; origins of, 44, 49–51; postindustrial, 2; reading of, 36–43; as reflection of society, 19–20; state shaping of, 23, 24; symbolic landscapes of, 21 —Japanese: agrarian view of, 155; autonomy issues in, 182, 188, 226; castle towns, 93, 235n7, 238n119; centers of, 80; centrifugal, 79; Chinese plans of, 50, 63–64, 72; coalitions among, 189; commerce in, 153; danger in, 153; effect of conflict on, 53; fear in, 167–69; feudal-era, 154; fire in, 29, 47–48, 55, 64, 113, 167; immigrants in, 204; land use in, 56; moral neutrality of, 152–53; nature and artifice in, 46–47, 55, 153; new towns of, 123, 124; overconcentration in, 117; planning in, 104, 114; premodern, 49, 61; public spaces of, 145, 146–47; sixteenth-century, 225; social regulation in, 67, 154; warrior class in, 153–54 —Western: administrative identity of, 83; ambivalence concerning, 153, 225; of antiquity, 45, 153; autonomy of, 192, 207; Cartesian form of, 22, 106; centripetal, 79; civic spaces of, 136; competition with Paris, 112, 217; effect of conflict on, 53; government of, 5; loss of authority, 187; positive views of, 152; relationship with rulers, 188; walls of, 83, 84, 90 citizenry, Japanese: class divisions among, 163–64, 257n64; commemoration by, 138, 139–40, 147, 215; disarming of, 167; effect on city form, 72–73; elites’ attitude toward, 105–6; in planning process, 149; in public spaces, 146–47; role in commemoration , 138, 139–40; rulers’ attitude toward, 136, 162; Tokyo’s view of, 86 citizenry, Western, effect on city form, 72 citizenship: in antiquity, 153, 239n9...
