In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

v CONTENTS Acknowledgments vii PART ONE Approaches to Conversion 1 Understanding Conversion in the Americas 3 TIMOTHY J. STEIGENGA AND EDWARD L. CLEARY 2 Analyzing Conversion in Latin America: Theoretical Questions, Methodological Dilemmas, and Comparative Data from Argentina and Brazil 33 ALEJANDRO FRIGERIO 3 Conversion Careers in Latin America: Entering and Leaving Church among Pentecostals, Catholics, and Mormons 52 HENRI GOOREN 4 Specialized Spirits: Conversion and the Products of Pneumacentric Religion in Latin America’s Free Market of Faith 72 ANDREW CHESNUT 5 Relational Analysis of Religious Conversion and Social Change: Networks and Publics in Latin American Evangelicalism 93 DAVID SMILDE PART TWO Conversion to What? 6 Conversion from Afro-Brazilian Religions to Neo-Pentecostalism: Opening New Horizons of the Possible 115 PATRICIA BIRMAN 7 Conversion to Afro-Brazilian Religions in Buenos Aires: Convincing Interactions 133 MARÍA JULIA CAROZZI 8 The Catholic Charismatic Renewal: Revitalization Movements and Conversion 153 EDWARD L. CLEARY 9 Conversion to Native Spirituality in the Andes: From Corpus Christi to Inti Raymi 174 RACHEL CORR PART THREE The Implications of Conversion 10 Indigenous Conversion to Catholicism: Change of Heart in Chiapas, Mexico 199 CHRISTINE KOVIC 11 Stop Suffering? The Iglesia Universal del Reino de Dios in the United States 218 VIRGINIA GARRARD-BURNETT 12 Healing the Nation: Pentecostal Identity and Social Change in Bolivia 239 JILL M. WIGHTMAN 13 The Politics of Pentecostalized Religion: Conversion as Pentecostalization in Guatemala 256 TIMOTHY J. STEIGENGA Contributors 281 Index 285 v i CONT ENTS ...
