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One reader, who has worked in public service for thirty years, says an important characteristic of a good leader is that he or she “delegates appropriate responsibility and with it the authority needed to maximize customer services. When a leader entrusts an employee with the responsibility and authority to do a job, it results in not only a more efficient service but also maximizes the employee’s self-esteem.” Great stuff, reader. Delegating responsibility is a great way to boost the morale of the entire team. Another reader believes a great leader is someone who listens attentively to other’s opinions. “Too many of us,” he says, “are poor listeners. Poor leaders tend to listen to their own voice rather than the valuable opinions of their team members.” This person is right. Listening is one of a leader’s most important skills. Of course it’s important for a leader to be able to make powerful presentations. But if I had to choose between a leader being a great public speaker and a great listener, I’d go with the latter. Leaders cannot lead without working overtime on understanding what team members are saying or not saying. Listening is not easy, but it pays huge dividends. Finally, I will leave you with a few characteristics of a great leader sent to me by a reader: “A great leader is someone who understands the need for effective two-way communication from the executive level to the front-line staff; has a visceral, unflinching way of demonstrating to employees how to deal with change; has a clear sense of what his or her principles are and how important it is to never contradict them.” Chapter 34 WHEN DELEGATING, DON’T UNDO One of the hardest aspects of a leader’s job is delegating. Yet, it’s a must if a leader wants to see the forest for the trees or the “big picture .” Some of the reasons we find it hard to delegate is because we fear: Leadership 71 • we will lose control • we may not get credit • we may be outshone by a subordinate • others will not do the job exactly the way we would do it Clearly, fear has a lot to do with our delegation problems. It takes faith in people and in ourselves. It takes coaching and open-minded communication . And it also requires that we give up some authority. One of the cardinal rules in the delegation game is that once authority is given, it should rarely if ever be taken back. Consider an incident involving the New York Yankees that is less about baseball and a lot more about leadership and communication. Owner George Steinbrenner and manager Joe Torre were equally perplexed as to what to do about the poor performance of a $32-million pitcher named Jose Contreras. Steinbrenner, who is known as “The Boss,” told Torre that it was the manager’s call on Contreras. Torre then told the pitcher that he was being sent to theYankees’s minor league team in Columbus to work out some of his problems. Immediately following, Steinbrenner overruled Torre, insisting that Contreras report to Tampa to work with one of Steinbrenner’s pitching gurus. Joe Torre was livid. His entire philosophy of managing is based on building and maintaining trust. We’re talking about a manager with an impeccable track record whose reputation is based on his candid and consistent communication with team members. “My problem with this whole thing,” said Torre, “is that I sat with this young man and it turns out I’m the liar. That I’m not crazy about. I always am as honest as possible and I pride myself on that. . . . I know my place and I know my job, but don’t tell me I can make a decision and then tell me it’s not my decision and not have it be that way.” Like I said, this isn’t about baseball. This kind of thing happens every day in organizational life. Responsibilities are delegated with the implied authority necessary, and then all of a sudden the rug gets pulled out. When this happens, the results are often ugly. Relationships are strained. The reputation of the leader delegating has been damaged, and his ability to delegate in the future seriously hurt. The message is sent that full delegation will occur only if the boss agrees with the decision. Bad stuff. Plus, the employee’s authority is undermined and bad prece72...
