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257 INDEX American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth, 128 American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics (ASPO), 128 Apollonius Rhodius, 33, 36 Aristotle, 221 Attia, A., 58 authoritative knowledge, 222–224 Bachofen, Johann Jakob, 10, 34, 48, 49 Bacon, Francis, 37, 65, 221 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 37 Ballad, Martha, 78 Beaumont and Fletcher, A Wife for a Month, 36 Bell, Catherine, 12 Benjamin, Walter, 211 Bettelheim, Bruno, 52, 233 Bing, Elisabeth, 115–118, 139–141, 159 biological birthing. See prepared childbirth biomedical birthing: assumptions of, 24–27, 73–74, 158; authoritative knowledge and, 159–161, 222–225; couvade and, 65–72; exclusion of fathers from, 94–102; gender and, 221–222; power and, 28, 158–160; rituals of, 82–93; science and, 24, 66, 85, 106, 242 birthing classes, 135–161; authoritative knowledge and, 159–161; as ritual, 134, 136, 154–157, 160; science and, 137, 159 Boehm, Felix, 71 bonding. See engrossment Bourdieu, Pierre, 160, 224 Bradley, Robert: fathers’ experience and, 119–127, 158, 189; fathers’ role and, 181, 132–133, 216, 218; physicians’ relations to parents and, 101, 196, 218; prepared childbirth and, 104, 105, 108, 145, 155, 212; as reformer, 16, 30, 95, 97, 128, 138, 140–142; science and, 120 bris milah, 12 Brown, L., 236 Buck, Pearl, The Good Earth, 109 Butler, Samuel, 33 Chabon, Irwin, 115, 116, 117, 118 Charbouclais, Chesnel de la, 35 Chernela, Janet, 54–55 Chidester, David, 13 Christensen, D., 236 Coffman, S., 236 Conlon, M., 67–68 Corea, Gena, 28 Cosby, Bill, 1, 154 couvade: biomedical model and, 65–72; birthing classes as, 154, 155, 158; defined, 34–35; evolutionary anthropology and, 48–50; Freudian theory and, 50–53; Garifuna and, 44–46, 54, 64; holistic perspective on, 74–75; North American men and, 57–65; South America peoples and, 15, 39–47, 59, 74, 75, 92; as syndrome, 67–74; in theater, 36–37, 65–66 Cowan, Carolyn Pape, 19 Cowan, Philip A., 19 Crocker, J. Christopher, 55–56 Crocker, William H., 45–46 Davis-Floyd, Robbie, 13, 17, 28, 99–100, 101, 107, 223 Dawson, Warren Royal, 38, 50 Darwin, Charles, 48, 53 Descartes, René, 24 Dick-Read, Grantly: biological birthing and, 122–128, 134; education and, 138–141, 155, 159; fathers as companions and, 104, 105, 108–114, 119, 206; as reformer, 16, 30, 95, 187 Diordus Siculus, 36 Dobrizhoffer, Martin, 39 Doering, Susan G., 230 Du Tertre, Jean-Baptiste, 46 Eakins, Pamela, 28 engrossment, 18, 201, 202, 239, 241 Entwisle, Doris R., 230 essentialism. See biomedical birthing: assumptions of evolutionary anthropology, 48, 49 Evreux, Yves d’, 38 fatherhood: conception and, 169, 173; couvade and, 35, 56, 60, 64, 69, 154–155; exclusion from birth and, 78, 87, 92, 102; redefined, 4, 229–234; as stimulating psychosis , 100; transition to, 14–17, 20, 30, 31, 106, 111 food restrictions, for fathers, 42 Foucault, Michel, 102, 103 Frazer, James, 49–50, 51, 54 Freeman, T., 67 Freud, Sigmund, 50–53, 66, 68, 70, 93 Freund, Peter E. S., 26 Gage, M., 236 Garifuna, 44–47, 54, 64 Gaskin, Ina, 74 gender: anthropology of, 81, 130; in American society, 213–215, 221–226, 232, 233, 237, 242; biological birthing and, 158, 159; drama and, 36, 37; Freudian perpsectives on, 51, 52; ritual and, 220–221; science and, 221–225 Gennep, Arnold van, 9, 13–14, 20, 87 Goldsmith, Judith, 28 Greenberg, Martin, 18, 201–203 Greenblatt, Stephen, 37 Heath, Robert, 32, 61 Hemingway, Ernest, 27, 221 holistic birthing, 128, 134, 140; contrasted with prepared childbirth, 25, 66, 107–108, 221 hospital birthing. See biomedical birthing Holmberg, Alan, 40–42 identity. See ritual messages: fathers’ identity and individualism. See biomedical birthing: assumptions of invented tradition, 240 Jadi, F., 69 James, William, 84 Johnson, M., 176 Johnson, Virginia, 61 Karmel, Marjorie, 115–118 Keller, Evelyn Fox, 24, 221–222 Kimmel, Michael, 60 Kitzinger, Sheila, 141 Klein, R., 35 Lamaze, Fernand: birthing philosophy, 30, 105, 127–129, 155; birthing practice, 108, 114–125, 134, 216–218; education, 113, 138–145, 148, 152, 159, 186; as reformer, 16, 104; science and, 127 Lamb, Michael, 18, 68 Leach, Edmund, 87 Leach, Penelope, 1 Levitt, M., 28 Lee, Mingwei, 32 Léry, Jean de, 9–10 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 48, 54, 57, 130, 214 Levitt, J., 236 Linenthal, Edward, 13 Lipkin, M., 68 Mak, V., 58 Malinowski, Bronislaw, 47, 53–57 Marsiglio, William, 167 Masters, William, 61 McGuire, Meredith B., 26 McKee, Lorna, 208 Mead, Margaret, 232 Metraux, Alfred, 46 Miller, B., 19 Mitchell, Margaret, Gone...
