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Allison, Dale C., Jr., 213n35 anointing at Bethany, 317–20 anthropology, 93, 118–25, 155–56, 191, 369 Antioch, situation in, 75, 80–81, 84–85, 354–57 aphorisms, 54–57, 61, 64, 65, 241–42, 272, 277, 359 apostles, 64, 200–201, 305, 311–14, 322– 31, 342–43, 349–50, 353, 357–58, 375 “archives”: dispute over, 27–32 attaining God, 88, 92, 95n16, 119, 140, 193. See also eschatology authenticity, Christian, 46, 75, 124–25, 144, 178, 192, 258, 275–77 authority, ecclesial, 13–14, 80, 164–65, 346–47, 353–54 Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 17, 31n17, 298n40 baptism, sacramental, 197–98, 287, 293 baptism of the Lord, 25, 127, 284–300, 361 Barnard, L. W., 77, 122, 160 Bartsch, Hans-Werner, 77, 129n15 Bauer, Walter, 82n80, 83n83, 351n139 Beale, G. K., 136n31 Beatrice, Pier Franco, 48n50 Benedict XVI, Pope, 47n49, 88n1, 285 Bergamelli, Ferdinando, 20n29, 170n27, 299n43, 359 Bertrand, Daniel Alain, 288n17, 297n37 Bieler, Martin, 295n33 bishop: appointment of, 350–54; obedience to, 179; office of, 345–48; representative of Christ, 339–40; “silence” of, 258, 277–81. See also ecclesiological typology; monepiscopacy, origin of bishop of Philadelphia (unnamed), 28–29, 182–84, 352 Boersma, Hans, 20n30 Bommes, Karin, 79n58, 233, 237 Bower, Richard A., 186n61, 267n27, 365–66 Brent, Allen, 11n11, 23, 53n3, 54, 57n15, 79–85, 87, 350 Bright, Pamela, 213n36 Brown, Milton Perry, 40n29 Brown, Raymond E., 84n88, 134n26 Bruce, F. F., 153n57 Burghardt, Walter J., 42n34 Burke, Patrick, 82n80 Camelot, Pierre-Thomas, 54, 98n23, 152n53, 234n75, 242n93, 265 Cerinthus (gnostic), 288 Chadwick, Henry, 280–81 Chalcedon, Council of, 16–17 chiasmus, 99–100, 103 Childs, Brevard S., 291n25 Christ event, 59–60, 73; cosmic significance, 127–39; as mystery, 109, 257–58, 273–74, 284–300; place in historical economy, 203, 205–6, 232–33, 239; relation to church, 316–18, 339–40; and second coming, 367–69; as source and object of faith, 168–71 Christology, 16–17, 96–105, 261–71, 289–90, 349 church, 301–58; as body of Christ, 303, 367; catholic and local, 331–41; and Christ event, 316–19; oriented to heaven, 340–41; quickened by Holy Spirit, 315–23; as temple, 303–4; as tree, 304 communicative intention: author’s, 2, 5–14, 18 Conzelmann, Hans, 207, 216, 236, 238n89, 239, 252–53 397 GENERAL INDEX 398 general Index Corwin, Virginia, 54, 67n28, 68n29, 76n47, 77, 79, 84n87, 89n4, 93, 102n33, 111–13, 121n5, 161, 202, 233n73, 266n25, 272n37, 274n43, 293n28, 301, 311–12, 314, 315, 324, 332, 343, 364, 368 cosmology, 119, 126–39 Cranfield, C. E. B., 44 creation, theology of, 37, 120, 126–28, 131–34, 137–39, 233–34, 272, 297–99 creedal formulae, 16, 58–61, 72–74, 97, 99–103, 127, 164–65, 169, 185, 259, 264–65, 270, 284–85, 289–94, 299, 321, 340–41 Damas of Magnesia, 70, 81, 336 Daniélou, Jean, 245n100 Davies, Stevan L., 27n1 deacons, 348–49 desire: purification of, 142–43, 146–49, 172–73, 184 Dietze, Paul, 42n34 divine pedagogy, 216, 247, 252–53 docetism, 58–59, 64–66, 69–73, 103–4, 125, 143–44, 185–86, 230–31, 254, 288–89, 321–22, 328 Donahue, Paul J., 29–31, 67n28, 69n32, 247n101 Dunn, James D. G., 153n56 ecclesiological typology, 281, 304–5, 311–15, 341–50 ecclesiology, 25, 37–38, 202, 281, 301–58, 361; apostles, 323–31; catholic church and local churches, 331–41; hierarchy, 341–57; Holy Spirit, 315–23; terms and themes, 302–8; in twentieth-century scholarship, 308–15 economic participation, 31–32, 111, 178n51, 339 economy, divine, 33–40, 359–61, 372–76; and cosmology, 139; historical dimension , 60, 76, 171, 200–206, 360–61; Judaism’s place in, 206–55; as mysterium unitatis, 88–89; of words and deeds, 271–74. See also Christ event; horizontal and vertical dimensions Ehrman, Bart D., 318n67 endurance unto death, 191, 198, 362–64, 366 envy, diabolic, 152–54 eschatology, 25–26, 244, 359–72; absence of chiliasm, 371; general resurrection, 369–70; intermediate state, 369–70; personal and communal, 141, 366–67; realized and future, 191, 361–66; second coming, 367–69. See also attaining God; hope eucharist, 66, 145, 148–49, 180, 231, 243, 305–6, 323, 333, 336, 339–40, 350, 357n149 extratextual realities, 7, 9, 19–20, 86 faith, 160–68; analogy of, 3, 20, 39–40, 91; apostolic, 327–29; and Christ event, 168–71; and imperishable life, 320; and...
