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THE DEEDS OF LOUIS THE FAT THE DEEDS OF LOUIS THE FAT 0 1 If I o 20 20 30 40 50 I I I 1 Miles I I Kilometers 40 60 80 Bourg~s • Sainte-Severe Clermont-Ferrand••The Bridge The towns, estates, and castles of central France mentioned in the Deeds. Suger THE DEEDS OF LOUIS THE FAT Translated with Introduction and Notes by Richard Cusimano and John Moorhead ~ The Catholic University of America Press Washington, D.C. Copyright © 1992 The Catholic University of America Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standards for Information Science-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. 00 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Suger, Abbot of Saint Denis, 1081-I15I. [Vita Ludovici Grossi Regis. English] The deeds of Louis the Fat / Suger ; translated with introduction and notes by Richard Cusimano and John Moorhead. Translation of: Vita Ludovici Grossi Regis. Includes bibliographical references and index. I. Louis VI, King of France, 1078-I137. 2. FranceHistory -Louis VI, I108-I137. 3. France-Kings and rulersBiography . I. Cusimano, Richard, 1939- . II. Moorhead, John, 1948- . III. Title. Dc88·5·s813 1991 944'.022'092-dc20 [B] 91-25427 ISBN 0-8132-0757-6.-ISBN 0-8132-0758-4!pbk.! ...
