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Index abortion, 321, 328, 382nI4; and China, 364; mentioned in Humanae Vitae, 285 abstinence, 308-9, 319 Anglican position on contraception, 5 anovulant pills: truly contraceptive? 9, 374n40 Anscombe, Elizabeth, 82, 122, 125, 382n7 Apostolicam Actuositatem, 334 Aquinas, 195-98, 357; analysis of moral action, 2I 5-21; and natural law, 70, 173, 318; and the creation of the human soul, 102; contraception against nature, 4; ends of marriage, 51; moral character, 226-27; on conjugal love, 60 Aristotle: meaning of "primary," 49 Arrupe, Pedro, 163 Augustine, 372n6; conjugal love, 54, 56; ends of marriage, 4, 42 biologism, 88; see physicalism Boyle, Joseph, 227, 340; contraception is contralife, 105; list of articles, 387nI I; see Appendix 4 Burke, Cormac, 110, 115 Cafarra, Carlo, 104, 386nn6,10 Cahill, Lisa, 199, 208, 209, 221-23, 400n4; on John Paul II, 258 canon law, 47, 310-11; canon 1134, 39 Casti Connubii,s, 14; cited, 6, 38, 39, 42, 44,46,47,56,66,83,84, 109, 171, 195, 300, 304, 307, 322, 324, 354; Majority Rebuttal, 23, 32; use of infertile period, 6, 372n17 Catechism of the Council of Trent, 48, 322; and HV 4,302 Catholic Church: as teacher, 287-88, 330; authority of, 16-18; the people are the Church, 16 chastity, 235, 289, 331 children: a gift, 36, 42, 319; as bond in marriage, I I 7; proper number to have, 421 64, 320; see procreation as primary end of marriage Church teaching against contraception: changeable, 16; constancy of, 15, 32; history of, 3; Majority Rebuttal, 17; Minority Report, 17 conjugal love, 54-57, 107-8; and Gaudium et Spes, 62, 64, 66; and HV12, 109; and HV9, 108, 314-16; and mutual perfection , 56; and mutual self-giving, 10816 ; and romantic love, 55, 61; definition of, 55; history of Church teaching, 59; not sufficiently recognized by church, 37, 59-60 Connell, Richard, 87, 384n31 conscience, 148-55; Austrian bishops, 149-50; Canadian bishops, 148-49, 150, 153; Church teaching, 151-53; French bishops, 148; Gaudium et Spes, 152; Humanae Vitae, 148; Irish bishops, 155; John Henry Newman, 154-55, 393n32; U.S. bishops, 149, 154, 392n32 contraception as artificial argument, 86-87 contraception as contralife argument, 1057 ; see Appendix 4 contraception: a matter of practical doubt, 9; and perverse sexual acts, 27; and the principle of probabilism, 3I I; as abortifacient , 77, 321, 383nI4; as artificial, 86; as homicide, 4, 101-2, 105, 386n6; as intrinsic evil, 83-85, 358; as unnatural , 85; Church's condemnation of, 307-11; consequences of, 285-87, 32829 ; definition of, xiii, 77, 276nj, 38ml; difference from natural family planning, 118-28; and divorce, 127; history of Christian condemnation of, 3-7; licitness of use of infertile period, 7; literature on, 373n31; natural law and Humanae Vitae, 77; natural law arguments against, 98 (see natural law); perverted faculty argument (see perverted faculty 422 Humanae Vitae argument), 87; therapeutic uses of, 309, 326 contraceptive sex as a lie, 110, 114, 124 Costanzo, Joseph F., 393n36; infallibility, 156; Lumen Gentium 25, 154 Curran, Charles, 18, 159, 204; and Catholic University, 169; and immediate dissent , 162; articles by, 397n34, 398n60; classicist vs. historical view of nature, 179-82; critique of Bernard Haering, 190; current views on Humanae Vitae, 190; Humanae Vitae, infallibility, 159; HV, ten years later, 29, 191; nature and grace, 169-73; on natural law, 88, 170181 ; physicalism, 88, 176-179 Daly, Cahal, 100 de Lestapis, Stanislaus, 13 Delhaye, Philippe, 13 dissent, 393n35, 395n2; about principles, 10; against Humanae Vitae, 167-69; and natural law, 168; early European, 8; early stirrings of, 7-II; legitimacy of, 392n18; see revisionists Dummett, Michael, 376n86 Dupre, Louis; principle of totality, 385n36 faith and reason, 71-73, 299-301 Familiaris Consortia, 128, 141, 143, 144, 230, 256; and munus, 141, 143; cited, 30 4 feminism, 298, 304 Finnis, John, 340, 351, 385n3; and naturallaw , 38m2; contraception is contralife , 105; list of articles, 387nm 1,18; see Appendix 4 Ford, John c., 13, n, 340; ends of marriage , 49; infallibility, 156 Fuchs, Joseph, 12, 13, 207, 399m, 402n14; and natural law, 69 Gaudium et Spes, 8, 33; and Majority Rebuttal , 25; as differing from Casti Connubii , 62; compared with Humanae Vitae , 374n38, 388n21; contraception as violation of conjugal love, 66; footnote 14, 65, 338; GS2, 61; GS3, 61; GS4, 61; OS10-14, 62; OS12, 251; OSI6, 152, 237; OSI9, 63; OS22, 63; OS24, 63, 108, 143, 251; OS27, 234; OS35, 234; OS47, 65, 337; OS48, 38, 47, 62, 63...
