In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

acknowledgments Chapter 1, “Why Is Political Philosophy Necessary? Historical Considerations and a Response,” was originally published as “Perché una filosofia politica? Elementi storici per una risposta” in Acta Philosophica 1.1 (1992): 233–63. It was translated by Joseph T. Papa and is republished with permission. Chapter 2, “The Liberal Image of Man and the Concept of Autonomy: Beyond the Debate between Liberals and Communitarians,” was originally published as “L’immagine dell’uomo nel liberalismo e il concetto di autonomia: al di là del dibattito fra liberali e comunitaristi,” in Immagini dell’uomo. Percorsi antropologici nella filosofia moderna, edited by I. Yarza (Rome: Armando, 1997). It was translated by Robert A. Gahl and is republished with permission. Chapter 3, “The Democratic Constitutional State and the Common Good,” was originally published as “Lo Stato costituzionale democratico e il bene comune” in Con-tratto—Rivista di filosofia tomista e contemporanea VI (1997) and in Ripensare lo spazio politico: quale aristocrazia? edited by E. Morandi and R. Panattoni (Padua : Il Poligrafo, 1998), 57–122. It was translated by Joseph T. Papa and is republished with permission. Chapter 4, “Auctoritas non veritas facit legem: Thomas Hobbes, Carl Schmitt and the Idea of the Constitutional State,” was originally published as “Autoritas non veritas facit legem: Thomas Hobbes, Carl Schmitt und die Idee des Verfassungsstaates ” in Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 86 (2000): 484–98. It was translated by Gerald Malsbary and is republished with permission. A shortened version of Chapter 5, “The Open Society and the New Laicism: Against the Soft Totalitarianism of Certain Secularist Thinking,” was originally published as “Laici e cattolici: oltre le divisioni” in Liberal 17 (2003): 108–16. The original and longer text in this present volume was translated by Joseph T. Papa and is republished with permission. Chapter 6, “The Political and Economic Realities of the Modern World and Their Ethical and Cultural Presuppositions: The Encyclical Centesimus annus,” was originally published as “La realtà politica ed economica del mondo moderno e i suoi presupposti etici e culturali. L’enciclica Centesimus annus” in Giovanni Pavii viii acknowledgments olo Teologo—Nel segno delle encicliche, edited by Graziano Borgonovo and Arturo Cattaneo, with preface by His Eminence Camillo Cardinal Ruini (Rome: Edizioni Arnoldo Mondatori, 2003): 83–94. It was translated from the Italian by Joseph T. Papa and is republished with permission. Chapter 7, “The Political Ethos of Constitutional Democracy and the Place of Natural Law in Public Reason: Rawls’s Political Liberalism Revisited,” was originally published in the American Journal of Jurisprudence 50 (2005): 1–70 and is republished with permission. Chapter 8, “Rawlsian Public Reason, Natural Law and the Foundation of Justice: A Response to David Crawford (2009),” was originally published in Communio : International Catholic Review 36.1 (Spring 2009): 138–67 and is republished with permission. Chapter 9, “Can Political Ethics Be Universalized? Human Rights as a Global Project,” was not previously published in this form, although parts of it were included in Rhonheimer’s “Christian Secularity, Political Ethics and the Culture of Human Rights,” which was published in the Josephinum Journal of Theology 16:2 (August 2009): 250–72. Chapter 10, “Christian Secularity and the Culture of Human Rights,” was originally presented as a conference paper in 2006 and published in a more developed form as “Christian Secularity, Political Ethics and the Culture of Human Rights,” in the Josephinum Journal of Theology 16:2 (August 2009): 250–72. It is republished with permission. Chapter 11, “Multicultural Citizenship in Liberal Democracy: the Proposals of C. Taylor, J. Habermas and W. Kymlicka,” was originally published as “Cittadinanza multiculturale nella democrazia liberale: le proposte di Ch. Taylor, J. Habermas e W. Kymlicka,” Acta Philosophica 15:1 (2006), 29–52. It was translated by Joseph T. Papa and is republished with permission. Chapter 12, “Christianity and Secularity: Past and Present of a Complex Relationship ,” was originally published as “Cristianesimo e laicità: storia ed attualità di un rapporto complesso” in Laicità: la ricerca dell’universale nella differenza, edited by Pierpaolo Donati (Bologna: il Mulino, 2008), 27–138. It was translated by Joseph T. Papa and is republished with permission. As further detailed in the first note of the essay, parts of Chapter 13, “Benedict XVI’s ‘Hermeneutic of Reform’ and Religious Freedom,” were previously published in German, French, and Spanish. The complete text was then published in Nova et Vetera, English edition 9:4 (Fall 2011): 1029–54. It was translated by Joseph T. Papa and Matthew Sherry, with the assistance of William...
