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98 ST. JEROME also the apostle Peter was allotted his name.244 The tracks of the serpent are not found upon a rock of this sort.245 The prophet also speaks confidently about this rock: “He has established my feet upon the rock,”246 and in another place: “The rock is a refuge for” hares, or “badgers.”247 For a timid animal finds refuge in the crevices of a rock, and its rough and completely armored hide protects it from javelins by such a covering. This is also why it is said to Moses, at the time when he had fled from Egypt and was a little hare of the Lord: “Stand in the crevice of the rock, and you will see my back parts.”248 7.26. “He who built his house on sand.” The foundation that the apostle, as the builder, laid is our one Lord Jesus Christ.249 Upon this foundation, stable and firm, and founded by its own robust mass, the church of Christ is being built. But upon sand, which is fluid and can neither be joined together nor collected into one union, all the words of the heretics are built unto this end, that they might collapse. 7.29. But he was teaching them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. The scribes were teaching the people what was written in Moses and the prophets; but Jesus, as the God and Lord of Moses himself, by the freedom of his own intention, was either adding to the Law what it seemed to be lacking, or he modified it as he preached to the people. This is what we read above as well: “It was said to the ancients; but I say to you.”250 Chapter 8 8.1–2. When he had come down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. And behold, a leper came and was worshiping him. When the Lord comes down from the mountain, the crowds run to him, because they had been incapable of ascending to the higher things. And first a leper runs up to him. For because of his leprosy he was not yet able to hear the Savior’s many 244. Cf. Mt 16.18. 245. Cf. Prv 30.19. 246. Ps 40.2. 247. Ps 104.18. 248. Ex 33.22–23. 249. Cf. 1 Cor 3.10. 250. Mt 5.21–22. BOOK ONE (1.1–10.42) 99 words on the mountain. It should be noted that he was the first one who was individually cured. The second was the centurion ’s servant;251 the third was the mother-in-law of Peter, who was suffering with a fever in Capernaum.252 In the fourth place he cured those who were brought to him troubled by a demon, whose spirits he expelled with a word, when he also cured all who were sick.253 8.2. And behold, a leper came and was worshiping him, saying. It is appropriate that after his preaching and teaching, an opportunity for a sign presents itself. In this way the words he has just spoken are confirmed among his hearers by means of miraculous powers. 8.2. “Lord, if you are willing, you can cleanse me.” He who is requesting the [Lord’s] willingness is not in doubt about the [Lord’s] power. 8.3. And stretching forth his hand, Jesus touched him, saying: “I am willing, be cleansed.” When the Lord stretches forth his hand, immediately the leprosy flees. At the same time consider how humble and without ostentation was his response. The leper had said: “If you are willing.” The Lord responded: “I am willing .” The leper had previously said: “You can cleanse me.” The Lord adds to this and says: “Be cleansed.” It is not, then, as the majority of the Latins think, that these phrases should be joined and read: I am willing to cleanse. Rather, they should be read separately, so that he first says, “I am willing,” and then he gives the command: “Be cleansed.” 8.4. And Jesus said to him: “See to it that you tell no one.” And in fact, why was it necessary to boast with his words over something that he was revealing with his body? 8.4. “But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift which Moses prescribes as a testimony to them.” He sends him to the priest for several reasons. First, for humility’s sake, that he might...
