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InDeX 181 abraham, 68. See also abram abram, 67, 68 abusio, 75, 76, 84 Accademici Occulti, 127, 128 achilles, 150 additio, 81 adiectio, 81 adnotatio, 104, 105, 107 aelius stilo, 74, 83 aeschylus, 48, 56 agamben, giorgio, 129 agamemnon, 35, 36, 59, 60, 62, 64 ager, 87, 89 alan de Lille, 99 alchemy, 119, 146 aletheia, 61 alexandrian etymologizing, 66, 158 alieniloquium, 36, 56, 108 allegorism, 37, 49, 95, 98, 100, 104 allegory: xiv, xv, xvi, 66, 114, 118, 143, 145, 147; in Benjamin, 140; as commodity, 138; as continua metaphora, 69, 92; as dark conceit, 120; and deconstruction, 136–139; and duplicity, 121, 122; and emblem, 126n42; and enigma, 108; and etymology, 34, 37, 38–43, 45–48, 54, 56, 58, 59, 61; as fair semblant, 122; and irony, 139; in late 18th century, 138; as in medieval exegesis, 45–47; metonymy, 40; as other speaking, 85, 94, 106, 137; and renaissance culture, 118–120, 129; and symbol, 70n68 ambrose, 67, 104, 109 amicus, xiii, 46, 110, 111 anagogical, 44, 103 anagogy, 45 analogia, 73, 84 anecdotes, 12, 114 anomalia, 84 apollo, 49, 50, 64 aquilex, 153 arbitrariness, xv, 13, 16–21, 53, 55 Arcadia, 123 Arcadian Rhetorike, 124 argumentation, 64n, 77, 167n30 aristotle, 38, 78, 105, 117, 139 arithmos, 82 ars memorativa, 166 artemis, 64 artes liberales, 79, 96, 98 artificial intelligence, 64, 87n41, 164n26 astyanax, 55, 64 atreus, 63 atropos, 50 attridge, Derek, 11n35, 15n41, 17n47, 18n50, 24, 25 auctoritas, 81, 84, 95 auerbach, erich, 104 augustine, 71, 72, 74; De Dialectica, 74–76, 106n42; and etymology, 75, 77, 80 augustine, of Dacia, 45 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 40, 85 Balbus, 116 Baldinger, kurt, 9, 10, 17n47, 28, 156n2 Bass, alan, 141n26 Battistini, andrea, 152n62 Baxter, timothy, 51, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61 Belardi, Walter, xvin7, 87n40 Benedetti, Marina, 32n104 Benjamin, Walter, 137, 138, 140, 141n22, 145 Bennington, geoff, 17n47 Benveniste, Émile, 12, 20 bestioni, 151 binary logic, 18n51, 164 Bloch, edward, 106 Bloom, harold, 2n3 Bloomfield, Leonard, 19n57, 28 Boccaccio, giovanni, 116n1 boîte, 167 Boolean, 18, 164 Bopp, Franz, 5 Borchardt, Frank, 116n1 Bottiroli, giovanni, 91n49, 98, 126n40, 157n3 Bréal, Michel, 5 Breazeale, Daniel, 155n70 bundle, 27, 106, 112, 157, 158, 168 caduceus 147, 151 caelum, 90, 91, 93 Cain, 69 calatis comitiis, 153 Carravetta, Peter, 151 Carruthers, Mary, 166 Cartesianism, 41, 140, 164 Cavazza, Franco, 44n31, 51n13, 53–55, 57, 58, 73, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82n28, 84n31, 85n39 Chambon, Jean Pierre, 29 Christian exegesis, 66, 67, 79, 96, 102, 103, 107n44, 109 Chrysippus, 49, 50, 73, 80, 166n31 Cicero, 38, 72–75, 77, 80; cited by Isidore, 104, 105; cited by John Johnson, 125n36; cited by Vico, 146; definition of etymology as nota, 77, 78, 107n44; on Latinitas, 79, 84; on locus, 155, 167; topica ad herennium 38n14; on veriloquium 43, 107n43 Cleanthes, 49, 73, 84 cognition 18, 92n53, 156; and metaphor, 156, 161 cognitive, 9, 14, 32, 38n17, 70, 92, 98, 107, 151, 161; allegory, 42; blending, 157; closure, 168n41, 170; hermeneutics, 136; mapping, 159; model, 152, 164n26; network , 166; frames, 166; science, 165 coincidentia oppositorum, 145 Coirier, Pierre, 165, 166; on scripts, 166n34 Colish, Marcia, 73n7 colligere, 105, 106 columbarium, 155n70 commutation, 81 compounding, 61 conceptual blending, 161 connectionism, 164n26 contemplari, 154 contrarium, 76, 80 conventionalism, 17, 52, 81, 109 correptio, 81 cosmology, 57, 65, 68 Crates, of Mallus, 80 Cratylus, xiv, 16n44, 34, 47; etymologies in, 50, 51, 52, 53, 132 crus, 75 Curia Calabra, 86, 87 Curtius, ernst robert, xiii, 48, 95, 97n5, 156n1 daemon, 116n1 dark conceit, 120, 121 Davies, Peter, 162, 163, 164 de Lubac, henri, 104n35 de Man, Paul, xiv, 18n51, 38n17, 135, 136; on allegory, 137, 138, 139, 140, 143, 150; and Benjamin, 145; and Derrida, 141; on temporality , 140, 151; and Vico, 150 De saussure, Michel, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 25, 157n3; on folk etymology, 15; on mimetism , 17 degnità, 146, 148n50, 153n65 Della Corte, Francesco, 72n2, 85 demogorgon, 116n1 demos, 116n1 Denkform, 95, 114, 94 derivation, xiii, 74, 109, 110 derivation, 8n24, 24, 35, 61, 87, 89, 101, 107, 116n1 Derrida, Jacques Desbordes, Françoise, 72, 73 Descartes, rené, 84, 126 desiderium, 169 Di Lorenzo, raymond, 166 diachronic phonetics, 5, 12 diachrony, 3, 23 Dialexis, 166 Dietrich, Paul, 73, 74, 80, 84n35 Diez, Friedrich, 5; definition of etymology, 6 différance, xiv, 38n17, 140, 141 Dihle, albrecht, 84 Dionysus, 50, 79 discursive practice, 96, 100, 117 Dissémination, 141, 142 Distich, 45, 103 diversiloquium, 36, 56, 150, 151, 157, 158, 169n44 divine...
