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Annotated Bibliography T      does not lend itself to a lot of footnotes or references. Specialists will recognize my sources. But for the non-specialists, here are some references that will help to extend their reading. For the first chapter, one can find all of the desired information on the life and works ofThomas in J.-P.Torrell, SaintThomas Aquinas, vol. ,The Person and His Work,Washington, D.C.: C.U.A. Press,  (nd ed. revised and expanded with a critical updating and bibliography, Washington, D.C.: C.U.A. Press, . For chapters  and , see again J.-P. Torrell, Saint Thomas Aquinas, vol. , Spiritual Master, Washington, D.C.: C.U.A. Press,  (this translation, from the first French edition of SaintThomas d’Aquin, Maître Spirituel, published in , will be complemented by the nd ed. revised and expanded with a Postface, Paris-Fribourg, ), in which I tried to translate the great intuitions ofThomas’s theology in an accessible way for today’s reader . One should also refer to the more systematic introduction of A. Patfoort , La Somme de saintThomas et la logique du dessin de Dieu, Saint-Maur: Parole et Silence, .—J.-H. Nicolas’s Synthèse dogmatique. De laTrinité à laTrinité, Paris-Fribourg, , and Synthèse dogmatique. Complément: de l’univers à laTrinité, Paris-Fribourg,  will provide the reader with a more rigorous exposition of the dogmatic part of the Summa (First and Third Parts).The theology of the Trinity has been considerably renewed by the work of G. Emery, LaTrinité créatrice (Paris: J.Vrin, ); Trinity in Aquinas (Ypsilanti, MI: Sapientia Press, ).—For Christology, see Thomas d’Aquin, LeVerbe incarné, rev. ed., French translation, notes, and appendices by J.-P.Torrell,  vols. (Paris: Cerf, );Thomas d’Aquin, LeVerbe incarné en ses mystères, rev. ed., French translation, notes, and appendices by J.-P. Torrell,  vols. (Paris: Cerf, –). Aeterni Patris and its Consequences  Y  Concerning the moral part of these two chapters, the most complete sustained commentary is that of M.-M. Labourdette, Cours de théologie morale, edited in offset by the Dominicans of Toulouse. If this is unattainable, the reader will find a brief presentation of the whole by J.-P.Torrell,“Thomas Aquinas. La ‘philosophie’ morale” in M. Canto-Sperber, Dictionnaire d’éthique et de philosophie morale (Paris: P.U.F., ), pp. –.—For fundamental moral theology (Prima Secundae), see S.-Th. Pinckaers, The Sources of Christian Ethics (Washington, D.C.: C.U.A. Press, ), which is more extensive than a commentary but very close to Thomas’s thought. I should also point out the important essay of Denis J. M. Bradley, Aquinas on theTwofold Human Good. Reason and Human Happiness in Aquinas’s Moral Science (Washington, D.C.: C.U.A. Press, ).—To my knowledge, there do not exist comparable works for the Secunda Secundae, but you will find S. J. Pope, ed., The Ethics of Aquinas (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, ), helpful. Chapter  on the literary and doctrinal milieu of the Summa contains information borrowed from a number of specialized studies impossible to list here.The reader will find a helpful, even if a little outdated, description of this context in M.-D. Chenu, Towards Understanding St.Thomas (Chicago, ).This can be supplemented by reading the corresponding explanations in the Dictionnaire encyclopédique du Moyen Ãge, under the direction of A.Vauchez,  vols. (Paris: Cerf, ). The history ofThomism and of the great commentators treated in chapter  also necessitated recourse to a number of works. For an overview, see first of all J.A.Weisheipl’s article “Thomism” in the New Catholic Encyclopedia , vol. , nd ed., , – (it should be noted, however, that apart from additional bibliographical references, the documentation remains essentially that of the st ed. in ). Unable to list all of the works used, I can at least list some of those that deal with the main moments of this history , which will allow for further study: SaintThomas au XIVe siècle, special number of the Revue Thomiste (:), in which the reader will find twelve contributions that considerably renew the approach to this period .—Jean Capreolus et son temps (–), under the direction of G. Bedouelle, R. Cessario, and K.White, Mémoire dominicaine, Cahier spécial  (Paris, ): eighteen studies that represent an unprecedented con-  Annotated Bibliography [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 07:19 GMT) tribution to the knowledge of the man, his work, and his philosophical and theological thought; John Capreolus, On the Virtues, trans. K. White and R. Cessario (Washington...
