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A P P E N D I X I I . S I G N I F I C A N T E M E N D A T I O N S T O T H E E D I T I O N O F T H E G E S TA I N N O C E N T I I I I I B Y D AV I D G R E S S - W R I G H T The following list of changes in the text of the Gress-Wright edition is based chiefly on two sources. The first is Ms Vat. Lat. 12111, a fourteenth -century transcript of the original manuscript, long housed in the Vatican archives. The manuscript was transferred from the archives to the Vatican Library in 1920. The second is Die Register Innocenz ’ III, edited by Othmar Hageneder, Anton Haidacher, et al. (GrazCologne : Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1964–). Only the first two years were available at the time Gress-Wright was preparing his edition. The registers have been valuable for comparative purposes. GW, page:11, l. 7: “seviant” for “serviant”; “subesse” for “prodesse.” RI 1:401, 600, l. 22 11, l. 8: “prodesse” for “subesse.” RI 1:401, 600, ll. 21–22. 11, l.19: “utrimque grata” for “utrique gratia.” RI 1:401, 601, l. 3. 22, l. 25: Insert after “iuramento firmare ut super .l.l.” the following “.l.l. mandatis apostolicis obediret, respondit quod in spirtualibus absolute pareret, in temporalibus autem iustus mandatis parendi prestaret iuratoriam cautionem. Quod cum sibi fuisset assertum, quia propter cum consueta forma iurandi nullatenus mutaretur, promisit tandem in scriptis quod” .l.l. and continues “.l.l. super omnibus pro quibus excommunicatus iuraret.” Vat Lat 12111, f. 5r, seventh last line to fourth last line. PL, 24, cap. XXIII, col. xliiid. 271 68, l. 3: “ad” for “ab.” Typographical error. 86, l. 13: “inspiravit, ut” for “inspiraret. Ut.l.l.l.” RI 2:202 (211), 394, l. 23. 148, l. 18: “mitius et benignius tibi” for “minus etiam benignius.l.l.l.” RI 7:126, 201, l. 29. 180, l. 8: “vertentes” for “vententes.” Typographical error. 180, l. 13: “terga” for “tera.” Typographical error. 182, l. 4: Insert “quomodo venit in domum Dei et panes propositionis sumpsit et manducavit et dedit hiis qui cum ipso erant” after “cum eo erant .l.l.” RI 6:102, 168, ll. 10–12. 196, l. 10: “milibus” for “militibus.” Vat Lat 12111, l. 22. 204, l. 18: Insert “gloriose coronatum ad imperii fastigia Deo et hominibus amabiles patres memorati pontifices cum universorum applausu et piis lacrimis sublimarunt. Aderant incole terre sancte” after “terre sancte” and before “ecclesiastice.” RI 7:152, 259, ll. 17–20. 207, l. 8: “conveniret” for “couniret.” Typographical error. 213, l. 13: “Frater non redimet, redimet” for “Insuper non redimet homo.” RI 8:134 (from proofs) and Vat. Lat. l2111, ll. 24–25. 216, l. 13: “iurisdictionem” for “justitiam,” also in Vat. Lat. 12111, fol. 44r, l. 11. 254, l. 9: Insert “decoratus” after “honore; om. recepto.” RI 8: 154 (from proofs); Vat Lat 12111, 53v, l. 24 has “consecratus honore, te post.l.l.l.” 261, l. 13: “iter” for “inter.” Typographical error. 275, l. 22: “domus” for “domini.” 275, l. 24: “nobis” for “vobis.” 291, l. 14: Insert “cum domino collegato ad se accedente quia instantissime vestram appellabamus precellans aurum consilio domino” after “habito consilio” and after “P. cardinalis.” RI 8, 120(119) (from proofs). Also, Vat Lat 12111, ll. 16–18. 296, l. 22: “misi” for “nisi.” 326, l. 11: “visi” for “nisi.” 347, l. 9: “duarum” for “quarum.” 272 Appendix II ...
