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abbots: Abulara, see Antonio, abbot of; Bonneval , see Maillé, Jean de Chiaravalle; Conques , see Raymond, abbot of; Dundrennan, see Livingston, Thomas; Liège, see Cherze, Heinrich von; Maulbronn, see Gelnhausen, Johann von St. Blaise; San Ambrogio, see Ricci, Antonio; San Galgano, see Cacciaconti , Conte de; Santa Giustina, see Barbo, Ludovico ; Vézelay, see Alexander, abbot of Acciapaccio, Niccolò de, cardinal, –, , , ,  Adamites,  Adolf, duke of Julich and Berg,  Adolf von Cleves, ,  Adorno, Tommaso, doge of Genoa,  Aeneas, , , , , n, n Afonso V, king of Portugal, n Africans,  Agnesi, Astorgio, archbishop of Benevento, cardinal, ,  Ahab, Biblical king, ,  Ajax, ,  Alaric, king of the Goths,  Albergati, Niccolò, cardinal, , , , , , –, , , , , , , , –, ,  Albert II, king of the Romans, , , n, n, n, , , , , , ,  Albert, brother of Frederick III, , , ,  Albert Achilles of Anspach, , –,  Alberti family, , , ,  Alberti, Leon Battista, n,  Albizzi family, n Albrecht VI, duke of Bavaria-Munich,  Aleman, Louis d’, cardinal, , , , , , , –, n, , –, , –, , , n, , , , , –, –, –,  Alexander the Great, , , ,  Alexander V, pope, ,  Alexander of Mazovia, cardinal, , –, –, –, n Alexander, abbot of Vézelay,  Alexander, notary, – Alfonso V, king of Aragon and Naples, , n, n, , , –, , –, –, , –, n, , , –, –, , , , , –,  Alzate, Opizino de, , n Amadeus VIII, duke of Savoy. See Felix V, pope Amaral, Ludovicus de, bishop of Viseu, ,  Amidano, Niccolò, – Anach, Johann, – Anacletus, pope, , n,  Anchises, , ,  Andreas, envoy of the Teutonic Knights, , ,  Anselm of Bordeaux,  Antenor,  Antoninus OP, archbishop of Florence, –,  Antonio, abbot of Abulara,  Antonio da Arezzo,  Apelles,  Apollo,  Appiano, Jacopo de, ,  Arabs,  Aragonese,  Arcés, Jean de, archbishop of Tarentaise, ,  archbishops: Benevento, see Agnesi, Astorgio; Bremen, see Hoya, Gerhard von; Colossi, see Chrysoberges, Andrea; Cologne, see Mörs, Dietrich von; Isenberg Diether von; Esztergom , see Szech, Dennis; Florence, see Antoninus of Florence OP; Lyons, see Talaru, Amadé; Magdeburg, see Beichlingen, Friedrich von; Mainz, see Erbach, Dietrich von; Milan, see Capra, Bartolomeo della; Palermo, see Tudeschis, Nicholas de; Prague, see Rokycana, John; Ravenna, see Rovarella,             * archbishops (cont.) Bartolomeo; Salzburg, see Emmersberg, Friedrich von; Volkerstorf, Sigismund von; Spalato, see Zabarella, Bartolomeo; Taranto, see Berardi da Tagliacozzo, Giovanni; Tarentaise, see Arcés, Jean d’; Tours, see Coëtquis, Philippe de; Trier, see Sierck, Jakob von; Valencia, see Calixtus III, pope; York, see Kemp, John Arcimboldi, Niccolò de’, ,  Aristotle, xi, n, , , , , , , , –, , , , , , , , , ,  Arius,  Arpaione, Berengar de, bishop of Périgeux, n Ast, Ludwig von,  Athanric, king of the Goths,  Athenians, –,  Augustinians,  Augustine, saint, , n, , , – Augustus, emperor, , –, n, , ,  Austrians, , ,  Axamit,  Bandini Piccolomini, Francesco,  Baptista of Rome,  Baratto, Giuliano, , n, ,  Barbatus. See Baratto, Giuliano Barbo, Ludovico, abbot of Santa Giustina, bishop of Treviso,  Barbo, Pietro, cardinal, – Bartolomea, Aeneas’ nurse,  Barzizza, Guiniforte, , –, – Basil the Great, , , ,  Basques,  Battiferri, Bartolomeo, – Beaufort, Henry, cardinal,  Beaupère, Jean,  Beichlingen, Friedrich von, archbishop of Magdeburg, , ,  Benedict XIII, pope, ,  Benzi, Ugo,  Berardi da Tagliacozzo, Giovanni, archbishop of Taranto, cardinal, , n, , , –, , , , –, , –, , –, –, , , , –, ,  Bernard of Clairvaux OCist, , n, , , n,  Bernardino of Siena OFM,  Bessarion, cardinal, , , , n,  bishops: Adria, see Rovarella, Bartolomeo; Aix, see Roger, Robert; Albegna, see Carretto, Matteo del; Ancona, see Caffarelli, Giovanni ; Aquila, see Agnifigli, Amico; Ardjisch, see John of Ragusa OP; Augsburg, see Schaumberg , Peter von, cardinal; Basel, see Rhein, Friedrich zu; Bologna, see Nicholas V; Bosa, see Tallada, Giuliano de, OP; Brandenburg, see Bodecker, Stefan; Brixen, see Stubey, Georgius de; Rotel, Johann; Budua, see Brugis, Hilgerus de, Ocarm; Burgos, see Cartagena, Alfonso de; Cádiz, see González, Juan; Cambrai, see Jean de Bourgogne; Chiemsee, see Pflieger, Silvester; Chieti, see Romanis, Baptista de; Conserans, see Faidit, Gerald de; Constance, see Höwen, Heinrich von; Coutances, see Montjeu, Philibert de; Cuenca, see Nuñez de Isorna, Alvaro; Dax, see Planche, Bernard de; Digne, see Versailles , Pierre de; Ferrara, see Francesco da Padova; Freising, see Scala, Nicodemo della; Schlick, Heinrich; Geneva, see Mez, François de; Grenoble, see Chissaco, Aymo de; Krakow, see Olesnicki, Zbigniew; Lausanne, see Palu, Louis de la; Leictoure, see Guitteria , Martin; Lerida, see Ram, Dominicus; Liège, see Loen, Jean de; Lodi, see Landriani, Gerardo; Lübeck, see Schele, Johann; Nevers , see Germain, John; Novara, see Visconti, Bartolomeo; Oporto, see Chaves, Antonio; Orleans, see San Michel, Jean de; Pamiers, see Bricoigne, Gerald de; Parenzo, Rampi, Daniele da; Parma, see Pergola, Delfino di; Passau, see Laiming, Leonard von; Nussdorf, Ulrich von; Pavia, see Pizzolpasso, Francesco; Rampini de San Allosio, Enrico; Périgeux, see Arpaione, Berengar; Plascencia , see Carvajal, Juan de, cardinal; Prato, see Ceparelli, Giovanni; Raab, see Clus, Augustinus von; Rimini, see San Marcello, Cristofo di; Senlis, see Morin, Jordan; Tivoli, see Cesari, Niccolò; Tortona, see Rampini de San Allosio, Enrico; Tortosa, see Moncada, Oton de; Trent, see Themeswald, Georg von; Treviso, see Barbo, Ludovico; Utrecht, see Culenborch, Zweder von; Mörs, Walram von; Diepholt, Rudolf; Uzès, see...
