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Abecedarians, , , , , , , –, , , ,  f in place of y,  words beginning with the letters k, x, y, z, – Accent, secondary, –, , – Accentuation and prosody, – ae = ĕ,  -a, final,  arătrum etc. following the pattern of intĕgrum,  consonant + h, – diĕi, diĕrum, diĕbus, etc.,  -e, final,  enclitic and proclitic, – fu1ram, pu1rum, – -i and -e in the dative and ablative merged together,  imprecise accentuation (“schwebende Betonung” gliding accent),  infinitive ending in -1re in place of -ĕre, – muli1rem, pari1tem, filiōlum, – -o, final,  perfect endings: -1re, -ĕre, -1runt, -ĕrunt,  proper nouns, – reconstruction,  “Scheinprosodie” [false prosody],  -s, final mute,  short vowel followed by a mute + a liquid , – speculations of the grammarians,  st, sp, and sc,  words borrowed from Greek,  Acrostics, , – , ,  Adnominatio, . See Wordplay Alliteration, –,  Anacrusis, xxii, , –, –, –, , , ; only before an accented syllable, – Antiphons, , , –, , , ,  Aphaeresis replaced by elision (via est = vi’est), ,  Assonance, –, –, , –, ,  Carmina figurata,  Centoes,  Conductus,  Conjugations: exchanges between the conjugations ,  Diaeresis: heü, seü, caüsa, pláüstrum, persúädens , alícuï, etc., – Elision in quantitative poetry, –; cp. also , , , , , , , ; in rhythmic poetry, –; in St. Augustine ,  Enclitics of the monosyllabic forms of esse, ; monosyllabic pronouns, ; other monosyllables, –; possessive pronouns , ; pyrrhic and iambic words after a monosyllable, , –; sumus,  Epanalepsis,  Hiatus in quantitative poetry, –, , ; at the break of the pentameter, ; in rhythmic poetry, –, –,   GENERAL PROSODIC INDEX  / General Prosodic Index Measure of attack. See Anacrusis Mesostichs,  Metrical words, –; formed from a monosyllable + a pyrrhic or iambic word (húnc-dièm etc.), –, , –, ,  Mixing of different verses, – Monosyllables, emphatic,  Motets, –,  Nominative absolute,  Offices, rhymed, , , – Parallelism in biblical poetry,  Particles, accented: -que and -ne, – Paromœon, – Poetry in artistic prose after the model of biblical poetry, – Prepositions, monosyllabic accented,  Proclitics, – disyllabic prepositions, ; antè-tribúnal etc., , ; apúd-me etc.,  monosyllabic prepositions, –; ád-te, ád-cor, etc., ; pér-fidèm, áb-eò, etc., – relative pronouns, adverbs, and monosyllabic conjunctions, – Pronunciation. See also Rhyme berbum = verbum,  ce, ce = ke, ki in the works of the Irish and Anglo-Saxons, – ec = haec, had = ad,  fesanus = vesanus,  v = f,  Prosthesis, –, ,  Puns. See Wordplay Reconstruction [Fr. recomposition], , , ,  Refrain, , , , , –, , , –, –, , , ,  Rhyme, , – accumulation of rhymes in the interior of the verse, – before the breaks,  continuous rhyme (aaaa), , ,  crossed rhyme (abab),  different accentuation of rhymed words (córpore-sopóre etc.), – disyllablic and trisyllabic rhymes, – elision of the rhymed syllable,  envelope rhyme (abba),  homonynous rhymes (versus differentiales ),  in hexameter, –, – in lyric poetry, , – monosyllabic rhymes, , , –,  quality of vowels: ae and oe = e, , ; au = o, ; 1 = i, ; ō = ŭ, ; -und- = -ond-, ; y = i,  quality of consonants: ct = t, ; gn = nn, ; mn = n, ; nct = nt, ; ps = ss, ; qu = c, ; sc = s, ; tt = t, ; x = s,  quantity of vowels does not matter,  serpentine rhymes,  simple verbs rhyme with their compounds ,  Rhythm, musical,  Rondeaux, ,  Sequences asymmetry,  for a single choir,  French type, , –,  having nothing in common with GrecoLatin versification, – musical rhyme and final cadence in the text,  new type, – normal structure ABBCCDD . . . Z,  old style, – parallelism between the strophe and the antistrophe, – progressive repetition,  secular, – titles of melodies (Planctus cygni, Virgo plorans, Mater, Amoena, Aurea, Graeca, Romana, Metensis, Dies sanctificatus, Iustus ut palma maior, Iustus ut palma minor, Trinitas, Duo tres), –,  with repeated schema,  written to syllabic melodies,  Soldiers’ songs, ,  [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 07:05 GMT) Songs with glosses (borrowed verses),  Syllaba anceps, –,  Synaeresis (synezesis), –, , , , , , , –,  Syncope, – Telestichs,  Tmesis,  Tropes, , –, , ,  Versus anadiplositi,  dirupti,  ianuarii,  rapportati,  recurrentes,  retrogradi or reciproci,  rhopalici,  Versification, metrical (and rhythmic imitations), – Adonic, , –, , –, , , –,  Adonic hexameter, – Adonici, – Alcaic, , –,  Anacreontic meter,  anapestic, ,  archaic iambic verses,  Archilochian,  Asclepiad, , , , –, –, ,  caudati, collaterales, cruciferi, unisoni,  choriambic,  citocadi, – dactylic catalectic tetrameter, –, , ,  dactylic hexameter, – Glyconic, –, –, – iambic dimeter, catalectic, –, , –,  iambic dimeter, , , , , –, , , , –, , , , , – iambic trimeter, –, , , , , , , , ,  Leonine hexameter (Leonini), , –, –, , , , – minor ionics,  new strophes, – pentameter, , , , ,  Phalaecian verse, ,  Pherecratean, –, , ,  Sapphic verse, –, , , , –, , –, –, , , ,  Terentianean (versus Terentianeus: Squalent arva soli pulvere multo),  trinini salientes, ,  tripertiti dactylici,  trochaic septenarius, – trochaic septenarius, archaic type,  use of two short syllables for a long,  Versification, rhythmic, –, , –, , , – entire imitation of the structure, – free verses written to a given melody and without any connection to classical rapprochement of free verse and the old rhythmic verse, –, –; versification, –, – imitation of the number of syllables, –; of Byzantine verse, ; of the number of words, –; of the quantity, –; of the structure of quantitative verses,  influence of German verse, –,  new rhythmic verses formed from prosaic refrains, –; after the model of biblical poetry,  partial imitation, –, , , –, –, – regular alternation of accents, – theories of scholars, – variation of the number of syllables, – Wordplay with letters, –; with long words, ; with monosyllabic words, –; with vowels,  Words, metrical. See Metrical Words General Prosodic Index /  ...
