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378 Accessus (DA .), , -, , –, ,  Accessus ad auctores, , , –, –, , ; Ovid, -, ,  Actio, action, , , , , , -, , , , -, , , , . See also Factio; Passio Adèle, Queen of France,  Adultery, , –, , , –,  Age: impediment to love, , –, , , , ; locus of argument, – Allegory, , , , , , , , , , –, , , , , , ,  Amplification, , , ,  Andrew, chaplain of the king, , , , ,  Anfelis,  Anti-feminism, , , , , , –. See also Misogyny Appetite, , , , , –, , , , . See also Desire; Will Ars: amandi, , –, –, , , , , , , , ; dictaminis, –, , –, –, , ; metrica, –, ; predicandi, –,  Art, , –, –, , –, , , , , , , , , , , ; liberal arts, , –, , –, , . See also Trivium Arthur, King, , , , ,  Arthurian: romance, , ; tale (DA .), , , , , , , ,  Attributes of persons, – Audience, –, –, –, –, , –, , , , , , , , , ; two-audience model, –,  Authority, , , –, , , , , , , , , , –, –, –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , – Beauty, , –, , , , , , , , , –, , –, –, , –, , ,  Blanchefleur,  Blindness, , , –, –, , ,  Branches of learning, , – Canon of authors, , , , ,  Canso, –, , , . See also Love song Capacity to love, , , –, –, ,  Captatio benenvolentiæ, , ,  Casuistry, , , . See also Love Cases Cato,  Causality, Aristotelian, , , –, ,  Cause: efficient, , , –, , , –, –, –, , , –, , ; final, , , , –, , –, , , , –, –, , , ; formal, –, ; material , ,  Champagne, , . See also Marie, Countess of Champagne Chanson de malmariée,  Charity, –, , , , – Chastity, , , , , , , , –, , , , , , –; quasi-chastity, , , ,  Christianity, -, –, , –, –, , , , , , –, , , , , , –, , , , , , , , SUBJECT INDEX , , , , –, , –, , , –, , , –, , , , –, –, –. See also Charity; Clergy; Morality Classification, , , , , , , , , ,  Clergy, –, –, , , , , –, –, –, –, , –, –, –, , , , , , , –, –, , , , , –, , , –, , , , –, , –, –, –, –; anticlerical satire, , . See also Model, clerical Codification, –, , , , –, , , , , , , . See also Precept; Rules of Love Cogitatio, –, , , , –, , –, –, , , , –, , –, , –, , , . See also Meditation Commentary, , –, , , , –, , , , , . See also Gloss Compilation, , ,  Consummation, , , –, , , , , , , , , , , , . See also Deeds, of love; Factum; Precepts , carry out all Love’s precepts, Solaces Conversation, , , –, , , – Courtesy, , , –, , , –, , ,  Courtly love, –, , , , , , –, , –, , , , , –, , , , ,  David, King, , , , , , ,  Debate, , , –, , –, , –, , , , , , , , , , –, –, , –, –, –, , –. Se also Disputation Debate poem, –, , , . See also Jeu parti; Partimen; Tenso Debate between knights and clerics, –, , –, –,  Deeds, , –, , , , –, –, , –, –, –, , –, , , , , ; of love, , , , . See also Consummation Definition, , , , –, , –, , –, –, –, , , , , , , –, –, –, –, –, –, –, , –, , , –, –, –, , , – Delay, , , –, , , –,  Description, , , , , –, –, , , , , , –, , –, , , , , , , , , , , –, , , –, , , . See also Definition; Prescription Desire, –, –, , , , , , , –, –, –, , , , , , –, , –, , –, , , , –, , , , –, , –, , . See also Appetite; Will Dialectic, , –, , , , –, –, –, –, , –, , –, , , , –, , –, , , , , , , –, –, , , – Dialogue, passim Disposition: rhetorical operation, , , ; character trait, , –,  Disputation, , –, , –, , , , –, –, , , –, , –, , , , , , , , –, , ,  Disputed question. See Quæstio, disputata Distinction, –, , , , –, , , –, , –, , , , –, , , , , , , , –, –, , –, , , –, , , , –, , , , , –, , –, , , , , –, , ,  Division, , , , , , –, , , , , , , – Eleanor of Aquitaine, , , , ,  Elocution, , , , . See also Style Eloquence, , –, , , –, , ,  s u b j e c t i n d e x 379 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 11:47 GMT) 380 s u b j e c t i n d e x Embrace, –, , , , , , , , , , , , –, , , –, ,  England, ,  Enthymeme, , –. See also Syllogism Epicurus,  Epideictic, , , ,  Ermengarde, Viscountess of Narbonne, , , , , – Estimation, ,  Etymology, –, , , , , –, ,  Eve,  Excess, , –, , , , –, , –, , –, –, –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Exordium, , –, – Factio, –,  Factum, , , , . See also Consummation Faculty, , –, , , ,  Fallacy, , -. See also Sophistry Fear, , , , , –, , , , , –, –, , , , , , –, , , ,  Fenice,  Feudalism, , , , , , , , –, , , –, –, , –, , , ,  Fidelity, –, , –, , , –, , , –, –, –, –, –, , , , , –, ,  France, , , , , , , , . See also Adèle; Philip Gascony, ,  Gautier le Jeune, ,  Gawain,  Generosity, , , , –, , –, –, –, , ,  Genre, –, –, –, , –, , , –, , , , –, , , , –, , –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , –,  Genus, , –, , –, –, –, , , , ; social class,  Genera causarum. See Rhetoric, branches of Genera dicendi, , –, . See also Style, levels of Gloss, –, , , , , –, , , , , . See also Commentary Go-between, , , –, ,  Goliards, – Gradus amoris. See Stages of love Grammar, , , , –, , , , , ,  Gualterius, , –, , , –, , –. See also Walter Guenevere,  Henry II Plantagenet,  Hope, , , , , , , –, , , –, , , , , , , –, , –, , , , , –, ,  Hugo of Auvergne,  Humor, , , , –, –, , –, , , , . See also Irony, Parody, Satire Humors, Galenic, , ,  Hungary, ,  Imagination, , , –, , ,  Imitation, , , , , –, , , ,  Incest, –, ,  Inner senses, , . See also Cogitatio; Imagination; Memory Insanity, , , . See also Madness Intertextuality, , , , , , , –, , , , , ,  Invention, , –, ,  Irony, , –, , , , , –, , , , , , , , , –, , , –, . See also Humor; Parody; Satire Isabelle, Countess of Flanders, –, ,  Iseult, ,  Italy, , ,  Jealousy, , , , –, , , , s u b j e c t i n d e x 381 , –, –, , –, , ,  Jeu parti, , , , . See also Debate poem; Partimen Joy, , –, ,  Kiss, , , , , –, – Knowledge, –, , –, –, , , –, , , , , , , , . See also Science. Lancelot,  Lauzengier, , , –, ,  Law, , , , , –, , , , , , –, –; canon law, , , , , , , , , , –, , –, , , , , , , , , , ; divine law, , , ; laws of love, , , , ,  Lectio, , , –,  Lesson on love (DA ..-), , , , , –, –, , , , ,  Locus, , , . See also Invention; Topic Love Cases (DA .), , , –, , –, , –, , , –, , , , , , –, –, –, –, –, , –, , –, . See also Casuistry Love song, , –, , , , , , , . See also Canso Madness, –, . See also Insanity Marie, Countess of Champagne, –, , , , –, , , , , , , , , –, , , –, , , –, – Marriage, , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, , , , , , , , , , –, –, , , –,  Medicine, –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –,  Meditation, –, , , , , –, , –, –, , –, , –, , , , –. See also Cogitatio Memory, , ; rhetorical operation, , ; faculty,  Misogyny, –, , , , , –. See also Anti-feminism Model of discourse, , , , –, –, –, –, , , , , , , , –, , , –, –; clerical, , , –, ; courtly, –; rhetorical, , –, –, , ; scholastic, , –, , , , ; vernacular, , , , , , ,  Montpellier,  Morality, , , , –, –, , –, , , –, , , , , –, –, , , , , , , , , , , , –, , –, , –, –, –, –, –, –, –, –, –, , –, , , –. See also Christianity Mourning, , , , , – Narration: part of an oration, –, , ; story, –, –,  Nobility, , , –, –, , –, –, –, –, , , , , , , –, –, –, , –, , , , , –, –, –, , , –, , , , –, –, , . See also Social class Nun, , , , , , , , –. See also Clergy Ordinatio, . See also Disposition Ornatus difficilior. See Style, ornate Pain, , , , –, , , –, , , , , , , –, . See also Suffering Paris: city, , , , , –; university, ,  Paris (Trojan prince), , ,  Parody, , , –, . See also Irony; Satire Partimen, , , –, , , , . See also Debate poem; Jeu parti Partitio: –, . See also Division Passio, –, , , –, , , –, , –, –, –, –, – , , , , . See also Suffering [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 11:47 GMT) 382 s u b j e c t i n d e x Pastourelle, , –, , –,  Peasant, , , , , , –, . See also Social class Persuasion, , , –, , –, , , , , , , , , , ,  Petition, –, – Philip II Augustus, King of France, ,  Praise, , , , , –, –, , , , , , , , , , , –, , , –, , , –, , –, ,  Precept, –, , , , , ; Love’s precepts,, , –, ; carry out all Love’s precepts, , , , , , , , , , –, , ; Precepts of Love (DA ..–), , , , , –, , , , , –, –, , , , , –. See also Codification, Rules of Love Prescription, , –, , , , , , , , , –, ,  Prostitution, , , , , , –, , , –, ,  Pure love, , , –, , –, , , –, , ,  Purgatory of cruel beauties, , , , ,  Quæstio, , , , , ; disputata, –, –, , –, , , , , –,  Quinque lineæ amoris. See Stages of love Ratio: argument, , , –, , ; faculty , , , , , , – Ratiocination, , , . See also Syllogism Rationalism, rationality, , , ,  Rejection of love, , , , , , , , , , , –, –, –. See also Reprobatio amoris Remedy, , –, –, –, , , –, , , ,  Reprobatio amoris, , , , –, . See also Rejection of love Reputation, , , , , , , –, –, , –, , , , , ,  Reward, , , , , –, , , , , , , –, , ,  Rhetoric, –, , –, , ,–, , , , –, , –, , –, –, , , , , , , –, , , , ; branches of rhetoric, –,  Robert, a certain noble,  Romance, –, , , , , , , , , –, –, –, –, –, , –, , , . See also Arthurian: romance Rubric, manuscript, , –, –, , –, , ,  Rules of Love (DA ..-), , , , –, , –, , –, , , –, , –, –, , , , , , , , , , –, . See also Codification; Precept Salutatio, , ,  Salut d’amour, – Samaritan, the Good,  Samson, ,  Sapientia, –, , –, , , , –, , , , , , . See also Wisdom Satire, , , , –, –, , , , , , –, –, . See also Irony; Parody Scholasticism, passim Science, , –, –, –, , , –, , , , , , , , , , –, , , , , . See also Knowledge Service, , , , , ,, , –, –, , , , –, , –, , –, , , –, ,  Sight, –, , , –, , , –, , , , , –, , –. See also Visio Social class, –, , , , , , –, –, , , , , , , –, , , . See also Nobility ; Peasant Solaces, , , , , , , , ; of love, , , –, , , , , ; of the lower / upper part, s u b j e c t i n d e x 383 , , , , , , ; ultimate solace, , . See also Consummation Sophistry, –, . See also Fallacy Socrates,  Species, –, , –, –, , –, , , , , , , ; beauty,  Stages of love, , , , , , –, , , , , , , , –, –, –. See also Consummation; Conversation...
