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CONTENTS Abbreviations ix Acknowledgments x The Vulgate Text of 2 Thessalonians xii 1. Introduction: Constructing Antichrist 1 The Context and the Sense of Apocalyptic Thought / 2 2 Thessalonians: Pauline “Antichristology” / 10 After the Apostle: The Shape of the 2 Thessalonians Tradition / 14 2. The Man of Sin: Apocalyptic Realism in the Early Church, 200–400 28 Paul and Antichrist in the Early Fathers: The Prehistory of Commentary / 29 The Ambrose Tradition (1): Ambrosiaster / 37 The Ambrose Tradition (2): Theodore of Mopsuestia / 50 The Jerome Tradition (1): Pelagius / 64 The Jerome Tradition (2): Jerome and the Persistence of Apocalyptic Realism / 74 Summary: The Building Blocks of Apocalyptic Realist Exegesis / 79 3. Members of the Enemy Body: The Spiritual Exegesis of 2 Thessalonians 82 Tyconius / 84 Augustine of Hippo / 94 Excursus: Gregory the Great, The Silent Presence / 108 4. Antichrist and His Body, 500–1000 115 Pseudo-Primasius: Pelagius Corrected / 117 Antichrist and His Body: The New Synthesis in Carolingian Biblical Scholarship / 121 Rabanus Maurus: Antichrist as the Twofold Denial of Christ / 126 Florus of Lyons: A “Summa” of Augustinian Antichristology / 139 Sedulius Scotus: “Another Nero, of the Same Title” / 141 Haimo of Auxerre: The Providential Delay of Antichrist / 144 The Ambiguity of the End or the End of Ambiguity? Antichrist in the Tenth Century / 167 5. Seeing the Adversary Afresh: Paul and Antichrist in Early Scholastic Exegesis, 1000–1160 178 Lanfranc of Bec: The Early Glossed Text / 179 Bruno the Carthusian / 192 The Glossa Ordinaria on Paul: Anselm of Laon / 206 From Glossa Ordinaria to Glossa Magnatura: Peter Lombard / 223 6. Conclusion 239 The Early Medieval Synthesis: Summarizing the Chronological Argument / 240 The Persistence of Apocalypticism: Implications for the History of Theology / 245 Bibliography 251 Index 271 viii / CONTENTS ...
