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HOMILY 3 Jeremiah 2.31 On “Did I become a wilderness to the house of Israel,” up to, “or a dry land?” he lord says in the beginning of the reading that he had neither become a desert nor a land made dry to Israel. Who then, faced with this reading, would not scrutinize it to seek the purpose of what was written? Suppose that God had not become a desert to Israel, had not become to Israel a land made dry. Does this mean then that the Lord has become a desert to Israel today or is now a land made dry to it? What then? When he was not a desert or a land made dry to Israel, was he a desert and land made dry to the pagan nations? For if he was not always and for all a desert and always and for all a land made dry, what need is there of the statement he makes especially for Israel: Did I become a desert or a land made dry to the house of Israel? But it is necessary to come to the universal benefits1 of God, and then, after his universal benefits, to what is particular. 2. The God who brings forth the sun on the evil and the good is a desert to no one. To no one is he who rains on the just and unjust ever a land made dry.2 How is he a desert, when he brings forth the day and causes the night to rest? How is he a desert, when he causes the land to bear fruit? How is he a desert, when he provides for each person in his soul so that it is endowed with reason, so that it can grasp knowledge and exercise its intelligence, and in the body so that it has 28 1. eujergesiva". 2. Matt 5.45. HOMILY 3 29 healthy sense faculties?3 Hence with respect to the way 4 of what is universal, God is not a desert. (2) But with respect to what is particular, I come to the deeds of Israel and I say: He was neither a desert nor a land made dry when he was accomplishing signs and wonders for the people in Egypt. But if any time arose when they would be abandoned, he would become to them like a desert without being a desert himself. (3) So when he was not a desert or a land made dry to Israel , he was, with respect to what is particular, a desert and land made dry to the pagan nations. But when he turned away from Israel and became to that Israel like a desert and a land made dry, then grace was poured forth on the pagan nations, and Jesus Christ became now to us not a desert but an abundance, and not a land made dry, but one which bears fruit. For the children of the desolate 5 are many more than of one who has a husband.6 And he threatens them for whom he has neither become a desert nor a land made dry when he says, “I have not become to you a desert or a land made dry, but you have said: We will not be ruled over and we will not go to you anymore.” 7 Have not the sons of Israel spoken from desperation in the text: We will not be ruled over.l.l.l.8 3. Cf. Heb 5.14. 4. lovgo". 5. This same Greek word (e[rhmo") is also translated “desert.” 6. Isa 54.1; Gal 4.27. 7. Jer 2.31. 8. The remainder of this homily is missing. ...
