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SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR TR IN EV [See FOTC 78, pp. xi-xiii; 79, pp. ix-xiv; 88, pp. ix-x; go, pp. ix-x] Texts and Translations Gandolfo, E., and V. Tarulli, Commento al Vangelo di s. Giovanni. NBA 24 (lg68). Willems, R., ed. Sancti Aurelii Augustini in Iohannis Evangelium Tractatus CXXIV. CCL 36 (lg54). Other Texts and Translations Augustine. De ConsensuEvangelistarum. PL34.1041-1230 (1867). ___ . Tractatus Decem in Epistolam Iohannis ad Parthos. Ed. and trans. P. Agaesse. SC 75 (lg61). Secondary Sources Belanger, R. "Propos d'Augustin sur l'inevitable souillure de l'eglise ici-bas." StudiaPatristica 22 (lg8g): 183-87 [Tractates 55-58]. Berrouard, M.-F. "Le Tractatus 80,3 inJohannis Evangelium de saint Augustin: la parole, Ie sacrement et la foi." REAug 33 (lg87): 253-54· ___ . "Saint Augustin et Ie mystere du Christ. Chemin, Verite et Vie." Augustiniana 41 (lggl): 431-4g. Blaise, A. Dictionnaire latin{rant;ais des auteurs chretiens. Turnhout, Ig54· Borchardt, C. Hilary ofPoitiers' Role in the Arian Struggle. The Hague, Ig66. Bourke, V. Augustine's Quest ofWisdom. Milwaukee, Ig45. Burns, J. The Development ofAugustine'S Doctrine ofOperative Grace. Paris,lg80 Danielou, J. Angels and Their Mission According to the Fathers ofthe Church. Trans. D. Heimann. Westminster, Maryland, Ig57. Evans, E. TertuliianAdversus Marcionem. 2 vols. Oxford, Ig72. Fouliquie, P. "Une texte de saint Augustin sur la matiere et la forme des sacrements." RSR 17 (lg27): 146. Hocedez, E. "La conception du sacrement dans Ie Tractatus 80 in Ioannem." RSR 10 (lglg): 1-2g. IX x SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Holt, R. Beatitude et sagesse. Paris, 1962 Lawless, G. P. "Profil du ministere chretien dans Ie Commentaire de Jean 21,12-19 par Saint Augustin." Omnis terra 273 (1991) 23442 . Lohse, B. "Zu Augustins Engellehre." Zeitschriftfur Kirchengeschichte 70 (1959): 278-gl. Mazzola, A. "Note sui commento agostiniano a 10. 13,26-27, la buccella e il traditore svelato." Vetera Christianorum 25 (1988): 557-65. Oden, A. G. Dominant Images for the Church. 1990. Stephano, F. "Lordship over Weakness: Christ's Graced Humanity as Locus of Divine Power in Augustine's Tractates on the Gospel ofJohn." Augustinian Studies 16 (1985):1-19. Studer, B. "I Tractatus in Iohannem di sant'Agostino." In Atti dell simposio di Efeso su S. Giovanni apostolo. Ed. L. Padovese. Rome, 1991, 135-46. Van Bavel, T. "L'humanite du Christ comme lac parvulorum et comme via dans la spiritualite de saint Augustin." Augustiniana 7 (1957): 245-8 l. Watkins, E. "The Mysticism of St. Augustine." In A Monument to St. Augustine. London, 1930. ...
