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SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Texts and Translations of the Demonstration (see below, Introduction Sects. 71-73) Savile, Henry. S. Johannis Chrysostomi opera omnia. 8 vols. Eton 1612. Due, Fronton du (Fronto Ducaeus). S.Johannis Chrysostomi opera omnia. 12 vols. Paris 1636-42. Montfaucon, Bernard de. S. Iohannis Chrysostomi opera omnia. 13 vols. Paris 1718-38 and Venice 1734-41. 2nd ed. by T. Fix. Paris 1834-39' Reprint of 2nd edition by J.-P. Migne. PG 47-61. Paris 1863. Earlier printing of vol. 48: 1859. . Bareille, J. Oeuvres completes de S. Jean Chrysostome. Montfaucon's text with French translation. 19 vols. Paris 1865-73. McKendrick, Norman G. "Quod Christus sit Deus of John Chrysostom." Edited for Ph.D. dissertation, Fordham University 1966. Used as the basis for the present translation. Other Patristic Texts and Translations Cyril of Jerusalem, St. The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem. Vol. 2. Trans. L. McCauley and A. Stevenson. FOTC 64. Washington, D.C. 1970. Eusebius of Caesarea. Vita Constantini. PG 20.905-1316. Gregory of Nyssa. St. Gregory ofNyssa: The Lord's Prayer; The Beatitudes. Trans. H. Graef, ACW 18. Westminster, Md. 1954. John Chrysostom, St. AdversusJudaeos orationes. PG 48.839-942. ___ De incomprehensibili dei natura contra Anomoeos. PG 48.701-812. ___ De s. Babyla contra Julianum et gentiles. PG 50,533-72. Ed. and trans. Margaret A. Schatkin. Ph.D. dissertation, Fordham University, 1967. See Part I of present volume. ___ Commentary on St. John the Apostle and Evangelist. Trans. Sr. Thomas Aquinas Goggin. FOTC 33 and 41. New York 1957, 1960. ___ Huit catecheses baptismales. Ed. and trans. A. Wenger SC 50bis. Paris 1957. 2nd ed. 1970. ___ St. John Chrysostom: Baptismal Instructions. Trans. P.w. Harkins, ACW 31. Westminster, Md. 1963. ___ St. John Chrysostom: Discourses against Judaizing Christians. Trans. P.w. Harkins. FOTC 68. Washington 1979. ___ St. John Chrysostom: On the Incomprehensible Nature of God. Trans. P.w. Harkins. FOTC 72. Washington 1984. ___ Sur l'incomprehensibilite de Dieu. Vol. 1, Homelies I-V. 2nd ed., introd. J. Danielou. Text ed. A.M. Malingrey. Trans. R. Flaceliere. SC 28bis. Paris 1970. Pseudo-Gregory of Nyssa. Testimonia adversusJudaeos, PG 46.193-234. Socrates, Scholasticus. Ecclesiastica Historia. Ed. R. Hussey. Oxford 1853. Also in PG 67. 157 ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM Bible The Septuagint Version ofthe Old Testament and the Apocrypha. London n.d. Septuaginta. Ed. A. Rahlfs. 2 vols. Stuttgart 1935. The Greek New Testament. Eds. K. Aland, M. Black, B. Metzger, A. Wilgren. London 1966. The jerusalem Bible. Ed. A. Jones. Garden City, N.Y. 1966. The New American Bible. Trans. Members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America, sponsored by the Bishops' Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Paterson, N.J. 1970. Brown, R.E., Fitzmyer, J.A., Murphy, R.E., eds. The jerome Biblical Commentary Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1968. McKenzie, J.L. Dictionary ofthe Bible. Milwaukee 1965. Orchard, B., Sutcliffe, E., eds. A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture. London 1953· Other Works Armstrong, A. An Introduction to Ancient Philosophy. Boston 1965. Bardenhewer, O. Patrology. Trans. T. Shahan. St. Louis 1908. Baur, Chrysostom.john Chrysostom and his Time. Vol. 1, Antioch, Vol. 2, Constantinople . Trans. M. Gonzaga Westminster, Md. 1960-61. ___ S. jean Chrysostome et ses oeuvres dans {'histoire litteraire Louvain 1907. Benzinger, I. "Daphne." Paulys Real-Encyclopadie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft . Vol. 4. Ed. G. Wissowa (1901): 2136-38. Bidez, J. La vie de l'empereurjulien. Paris 1930. Campenhausen, H. von. Fathers of the Greek Church. Trans. S. Godman. New York 1959. Cataudella. Q. "Giovanni Crisostomo." Enciclopedia Cattolica 6 (195 1): 53443 · Carter, R.E. "The Chronology of St. John Chrysostom's Early Life." Traditio 18 (1962): 357-64. Chapman, J. "St. John Chrysostom on St. Peter." Dublin Review 132 (1903): 127 · Cumont, F. Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism. New York 1956. Dolger, F.J. "Das Segnen der Sinne mit der Eucharistie." Antike und Christentum 3 (1932): 23 1-44. Downey, G.A. A History ofAntioch in Syria. Princeton 1961. ___ Antioch in the Age ofTheodosius the Great Norman, Okla. 1962. Duchesne, L. The Early History of the Christian Church. Vol. 3. Trans. Claude Jenkins. New York 1924. Finegan, J. Lightfrom the Ancient Past. 2nd ed. Princeton 1959. Graetz, H. History ofthe jews Vol. 2. Philadelphia 1967. Grant, F.C. "Astral Religion." NCE 1 985-86. Harkins, P.w. "Chrysostom the Apologist: On the Divinity of Christ." Kyriakon . Festschrift johannes Quasten. Vol. 1. (Munster 1970) 441-51. Humbert, A. "Docetism." NCE 4 934-35. Jugie...
