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ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations of Works of Chrysostom Ad vid. iun. Ad viduam iuniorem, PG 48.599-610. Paris 1862. De Anna. De Anna sermones 1-5, PG 54.631-676. Paris 1862. De anath. De non anathematizandis vivis atque defunctis, PG 48.945-52; Paris 1862. De bap. Christi. De baptismo Christi homilia, PG 49.363-72. Paris 1862. De incomp. De incomprehensibili Dei natura homilae 1-12, PG 48.701-812. Paris 1862. Homilies 1-5 also SC 28 bis. De Laz. De Lazaro conciones 1-7, PG 48.963-1044. Paris 1862. Demonstratio. Contra Iudaeos et gentiles demonstratio quod Christus sit Deus, PG 48.813-38. Paris 1862. De poenit. De poenitentia homiliae 1-9, PG 49.277-350 Paris 1862. De sac. De sacerdotio libri 1-6, PG 48.623-92. Paris 1862. De stat. Ad populum Antiochenum de statuis homiliae 1-21, PG 49.15-222. Paris 1862. In act. apos. In acta apostolorum homiliae 55, PG 60.13-584. Paris 1862. In 2 Cor. In epistolam 2 ad Corinthios homiliae 1-30, PG 61.381-610. Paris 1862. In Eph. In epistolam ad Ephesios homiliae 1-24, PG 62.9-176. Paris 1862. In kal. In kalendas sermo, PG 48.953-962. Paris 1862. In Matt. In S. Matthaei evangelium homiliae 1-91, PG 57.21-472. Paris 1862. In Philip. In epistolam ad Philippenses homiliae 1-15, PG 62.177-198. Paris 1862. In Rom. 12.20. In illud: Si esurierit inimicus, PG 51.171-86. In S. Lucianum. In sanctum Lucianum martyrem, PG 50.519-26. Paris 1862. Vidi Dom. In illud: vidi Dominum homiliae 1-6, PG 56.97-142. Paris 1862. Other Abbreviations ACW ACW 31 Baur Brightman Cayre CCHS Ancient Christian Writers. Westminster, Md.-London (later New York, N.Y.lRamsey, N.J.) 1946-. Harkins, P.W. St. John Chrysostom: Baptismal Instructions . Westminster, Md., 1963. Bam, C.John Chrysostom and His Time: Vol. 1, Antioch, Vol. 2, Constantinople, trans. Sister M. Gonzaga, Westminster , Md. 1960-61. Brightman, F.E. ed., Liturgies Eastern and Western, Vol. 1. Oxford 1967. Cayre, F. Manual of Patrology and History of Theology, trans. H. Howitt. Paris 1935. Orchard B., Sutcliffe, E. eds. A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture. London 1953. Xlll xiv CE DACL DB Demonstration Downey, History DTC Duling FOTC FOTC 33 FOTC 68 JB JBC LXX NAB NCE NT OT PG PL Quasten SC SC 28 bis ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York 1907-14. Dictionnaire d'archifologie chretienne et de liturgie. Paris 1907-53. McKenzie,j.L. Dictionary ofthe Bible. Milwaukee 1965. John Chrysostom. Demonstration against Jews and Pagans on the Divinity ofChrist, PG 48.813-38. Paris 1862. Downey, G. A History of Antioch. Princeton 1961. Dictionnaire de thifologie catholique. Paris 1903-50. Duling, D.C. Jesus Christ through History. New York 1979. The Fathers of the Church: A New Translation. New York (later Washington, D.C.) 1947-. Goggin, Sister Thomas Aquinas, trans. St. John Chrysostom : Homilies on the Gospel ofSt.John. New York 1957. Harkins, P.W. St. John Chrysostom: Discourses Against Judaizing Christians. Washington, D.C. 1979. Jones, A., ed. The Jerusalem Bible. Garden City, New York 1966. Brown, R.E., Fitzmyer, ].A., Murphy, R.E., eds. The Jerome Biblical Commentary. Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey 1968. Rahlfs, A. Septuaginta. 2 vols. Stuttgart 1935. Members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America , trans. The New American Bible. New York 1970. New Catholic Encyclopedia. New York 1967. New Testament. Old Testament. Migne, ].-P., ed. Patrologiae cursus completus: Series graeca. Paris 1857-66. Migne, ].-P., ed. Patrologia cursus completus: Series latina. Paris 1844-55. Quasten, j. Patrology, 3 vols., Westminster, Md. 1950-60. Sources chretiennes. Paris 1942-. Danielou, ]. (introd.), Malingrey, A.-M. (text and notes), Flaceliere, R. (trans.) Sur l'incomprehensibilite de Dieu (De incomp. 1-5). Paris 1951. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM ...
