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124 ST. AUGUSTINE (8) Here as well, of course, the multitude could not finish eating everything, and there was food left over. For not in vain was it said of the future: "Do you think that the Son of Man will find faith upon the earth at his coming?"45 I believe that this will be so because of the women and children. But, nonetheless, the leftovers filled seven baskets, and these refer to the sevenfold Church, which is also described in the Apocalypse,46 i.e., it refers to everyone who will have persevered to the end. For that one who said: "Do you think that the Son of Man will find faith upon the earth at his coming?" indeed meant that it is possible for his food to be left and forsaken at the end of the meal. However, since he himself has also said: "He who perseveres to the end will be saved, "47 he has signified the unfailing Church which would receive these same seven loaves with an abundance greater than the number seven and would keep [them] by the expanse of love48 which [their] very continuance49 in the baskets seems to signify.50 62. ON THE GOSPEL PASSAGE: "THATJESUS WAS BAPTIZING MORE THANJOHN, ALTHOUGH HE HIMSELF BAPTIZED NO ONE. RA THER, HIS DISCIPLES [WERE BAPTIZING}"! The question is whether they received the Holy Spirit who were baptized at the time when, according to the gospel, the Lord through his disciples had baptized more than John, for in another place in the gospel it says: "For the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified."2 45 Lk 18.8. 46 Cf. Apoc (Rv) 1.4; 2.1-3.19. 47 Mt 24.13. 48 latitudine cordis. 49 perseuerantiam. 50 The Latin text printed in BA 10 reads: "which seems to signify [their] very continuance in the baskets." However, there is a variant reading found in at least two manuscripts which seems to make better sense, and therefore I have translated in accord with that variant reading. 1 In 4.1-2. 2 .Tn 7.39. QUESTION 62 125 The easiest answer to the question is this: they did receive the Holy Spirit, because the Lord Jesus, who was raising even the dead, could have prevented any of them from dying until after his glorification, i.e., his resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven. However, there comes to mind that famous thiefto whom it was said: "Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise,"3 and who had not even received baptism. 4Although Cornelius and those gentiles with him who had believed had likewise received the Holy Spirit before their baptism,5 nonetheless, I do not see how even that thief could have said without the Holy Spirit: "Remember me, Lord, when you come into your kingdom.' '6 For as the Apostle says: "No one says 'LordJesus' unless in the Holy Spirit."7 The Lord himself has indicated the outcome of the thiefs faith by saying: "Truly I say to you, today will you be with me in paradise." Therefore, just as by the inexpressible power and righteousness of the ruler G
