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SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY xi F. J. A. Hort, Two Dissertations (cit. supra) 73-150. J. N. D. Kelly, Early Christian Creeds (London 1950). A. A. Stephenson, "The Text of the Jerusalem Creed," Studia Patristica III (=Texte u. Untersuchungen 78; Berlin 1961) 303313 . I. Ortiz de Urbina, "La StruUura del simbolo Constantinopolitano," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 12 (1946) 275-285. Other Works: F. C. Conybeare and J. A. Maclean, Rituale Armenorum (Oxford 1905). J. H. Greenlee, The Gospel Text of Cyril of Jerusalem (Copenhagen 1955). A. Paulin, S. Cyrille de jf!rusalem, catechete (Paris 1959). A. Renoux, "Les Cathecheses mystagogiques dans l'organisation liturgique hierosolymitaine du IVe et Ve siecIe," Le Museon 78 (1965) 355-359. Helene Petre, Etherie, Journal de Voyage (Sources chretiennes 21; Paris 1948). J. Quasten, Patrology III (Utrecht/Antwerp-Westminster, Md. 1960) 362-377, with excellent bibliography. ABBREVIATIONS Athanasius The LNPF volume on Athanasius, by Newman and Robertson . See Select Bibliography. C The "Constantinopolitan" Creed. Denzinger H. Denzinger, Enchiridion symbolorum ..., 32nd ed. by A. Schonmetzer, S.J. (Freiburg i. B. 1963). DHG Documents Illustrative of the History of the Church, ed. B. J. Ridel (2 vols., London 1938). DTC Dictionnaire de theologie catholique, ed. A. Vacant et al. (Paris 1903-1950). GCS Die g"iechischen christlichen Schriftsteller (Leipzig 1897ff.). J The Creed of Jerusalem. LCC Library of Christian Classics, ed. J. Baillie et al. (Philadelphia and London 1953ff.). xii LNPF LTK Myst. N P PG PGL PL RR ST. CYRIL OF JERUSALEM A Select Library af Nicene and Past·Nicene Fathers af the Christian Church, ed. Ph. Schaff and H. Wace (Buffalo and New York 1886·1900; reprinted Grand Rapids 1952ff.). Lexikan filr Thealagie und Kirche (2nd ed.• Freiburg i. B. 1957ff.). The (Easter) Mystagagical Catecheses of Cyril. The Creed of Nicaea (325 A.D.). Piedagnel's edition or text of Myst. Migne. Patrolagia Graeca. Patristic Greek Lexicon, ed. G. W. H. Lampe (Oxford 1961ff.). Migne. Patrolagia Latina. The Reischl·Rupp edition of Cyril of Jerusalem. See Select Bibliography. ...
