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From Modernism to Postmodernism, 379–81. ———. “Panopticism, from Discipline and Punish.” In The Foucault Reader, edited by Paul Rabinow. New York: Pantheon Books, 1984. ———. “What Is an Author?” In Rethinking Popular Culture: Contemporary Perspectives in Cultural Studies, edited by Chandra Mukerji and Michael Schudson. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. Gallagher, Dorothy. All the Right Enemies: The Life and Murder of Carlo Tresca. New Brunswick , NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1988. Geertz, Clifford. “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture.” In The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. New York: Basic Books, 1973, 3–32. Gonser, Sarah. “American Media Expansion Plan: Tabloid Giant to Tap U.S. Latino Market .” Intertech Publishing Co., 1 March 2001. Gourley, Jay. “Beyond the Pail: The Theory and Practice of Garbage Journalism.” Washington Monthly, October 1975. ———. “I Killed Gig Young.” Washington Monthly, September 1981. Gross, Daniel. “Tabloid Shocker! Enquiring minds want to know why the National Enquirer and its parent company are doing so badly.”, 14 March 2006. http://www Hall, Stuart. “Encoding, Decoding.” In The Cultural Studies Reader, edited by Simon During . New York: Routledge, 1993. Harris, John. “My Search for Utopia.” Gentlemen Ranters. http://www.gentlemenranters .com/3.html#utopia, 24 August 2007. Hessler, Peter. “Letter to China: Straight to Video.” New Yorker, 15 October 2001. Hogshire, Jim. Grossed-Out Surgeon Vomits in Patient: An Insider’s Look at Supermarket Tabloids . Venice, CA: Feral House, 1997. Jameson, Fredric. “The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. ” In Cahoone, From Modernism to Postmodernism, 556–72. Kamp, David. “The Tabloid Decade.” Vanity Fair, February 1999. Kanfer, Stefan. “Tina Brown and the Coming Decline of Celebrity Journalism.” Columbia [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 01:46 GMT) SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 282 Journalism Review. September/October 1998. 98/5/tina.asp. 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Newman, Judith. “Bonnie Fuller’s Fear Factor.” Vanity Fair, March 2004. “Now the Story Can Be Told! How Tabloids Survived...
