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ix Acknowledgments a number of individuals and institutions have my enduring gratitude for their help in producing this work. many thanks to the University press of Kentucky, and a special merci to Stephen Wrinn and the editorial Board for agreeing to publish the book, to liz Smith for her skilled copy editing, and to anne Dean Watkins for her prompt assistance in all matters. isabelle nathan and the staff at the French Foreign ministry archives were always gracious and informative during my many trips to paris, as were the archivists and personnel at the Dwight D. eisenhower presidential library, the college park national archives, the Washington D.c. national Security archive, the national archives in paris, the château de vincennes French military archives , the pierre mendès France institute, the center for twentieth-century european history, the French Overseas archives in aix-en-provence, and the British public Record Office. anthony edmonds, maarten pereboom, michael adamson, David anderson, george herring, Walter hixson, James matray, mark lawrence, pierre Journoud, laurent cesari, Jason parker, nigel Quinney, and David Schmitz provided excellent feedback of the workin -progress at conferences and in more informal venues. The manuscript has also benefited enormously from the constructive suggestions of its two anonymous readers. Former professors and advisers at the University of california, Santa Barbara (UcSB)—Fredrik logevall, Kenneth mouré, laura Kalman, and Jeffrey Russell—gave invaluable advice over the years and have influenced this book in many ways. particular recognition goes to my graduate adviser—Fredrik logevall—who was the first to bring my attention to the importance of telling the story from as many vantage points as possible and continues to support me in presenting and publishing my work. i would also like to thank three former fellow graduate students and current colleagues—andrew Johns, Kimber Quinney, and Kenneth Osgood—who have encouraged and prodded me every step of the way in my academic career . each of you has had a profound influence on my research, writing, and way of thinking. moreover, graduate school, trips to abilene, and ShaFR conferences would have been a lot less fun without you. i am also incredibly grateful for the support of my colleagues in the history Department at the University of San Diego (USD). i could not ask for a more collegial environ- ment, and special thanks go to iris engstrand, James gump, molly mcclain, yi Sun, michael gonzalez, and colin Fisher. assistance from USD has taken many forms, and i consider myself fortunate to work at an institution that invests in its faculty. Research abroad is time-consuming and expensive. i am therefore most appreciative of the financial support provided by a number of institutions and grant programs. Funds for earlier research were provided by the institute on global conflict and cooperation fellowship program, the University of california center for german and european Studies, the UcSB Social Sciences and history Department research grant programs, and the USD interdisciplinary research grant program. help from USD via history Department travel money, a university professor fellowship, and a lengthy sabbatical, as well as a national endowment for the humanities summer stipend, allowed me to finish research and writing in France. all translations in the book are my own, as are any errors committed. Finally, i could not have completed this study without the love, support, patience, and good humor of my family. Therefore, my greatest thanks go to my parents and sister, Joan, John, and gretchen Statler, and to my husband and daughter, craig and claire choisser. This book is dedicated to them. mom and Dad, your constant encouragement and enthusiasm—not to mention long hours of babysitting—are priceless; and gretchen, your sympathetic ear is deeply appreciated. claire, as a two-year-old, you are not conducive to long hours of work, but you sure are fun. craig, you are my most honest critic and strongest supporter, making me a better academic, and a better person. So, family, thank you for allowing me the many hours i spent attached to the keyboard; but most of all, thank you for the time away from the keyboard. x Acknowledgments ...
