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451 Selected Bibliography abelson, Donald e. “politics on ice: The United states, the soviet Union, and a Hockey Game in lake placid.” Canadian Review of American Studies 40, no. 1 (2010): 63–94. abrams, lynn. Oral History Theory. new york and london: routledge, 2010. ageron, charles-robert, and marc michel, eds. L’ère des décolonisations. actes du colloque d’aix-en-provence, cnrs. paris: Karthala, 1995. alabarces, pablo. Fútbol y patria: El fútbol y las narrativas de la nación en Argentina. buenos aires: prometeo, 2002. alegi, peter. African Soccerscapes: How a Continent Changed the World’s Game. athens : ohio University press, 2010. ———. Laduma! Soccer, Politics and Society in South Africa. scottsville, sa: University of KwaZulu-natal press, 2004. allain, Jean-claude, pierre Guillen, Georges-Henri soutou, laurent Theis, and maurice Vaïsse. Histoire de la diplomatie française: Tome 2, de 1815 à nos jours. paris: librairie académique perrin, 2007. allen, e. John b. The Culture and Sport of Skiing: From Antiquity to World War II. amherst: University of massachusetts press, 2007. allen, Kevin. USA Hockey: A Celebration of a Great Tradition. chicago: triumph books, 1997. allison, lincoln. The Changing Politics of Sport. manchester: manchester University press, 1993. ———, ed., The Global Politics of Sport: The Role of Global Institutions in Sport. london: routledge, 2005. al-tauqi, mansour s. “solidarité olympique: ordre global et diffusion du sport moderne entre 1961 et 1980.” phD diss., loughborough University, 2003. andrews, David l., and ben carrington, eds. A Companion to Sport. Hoboken, nJ: wiley-blackwell, 2013. anwar, Dewi fortuna. “indonesia and the bandung conference: Then and now.” in Bandung Revisited: The Legacy of the 1955 Asian-African Conference for International Order, edited by see seng tan and amitav acharya, 180–97. singapore : national University of singapore press, 2008. archer, robert, and antoine bouillon. The South African Game: Sport and Racism. london: Zed press, 1982. arnaud, pierre, and James riordan, eds. Sport and International Politics: Impact of Fascism and Communism on Sport. london and new york: e & fn spon, 1998. 452 selected bibliography arndt, richard t. The First Resort of Kings: American Cultural Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century. washington, Dc: potomac books, 2005. aron, raymond. Paix et guerre entre les nations. paris: calmann-lévy, 1962. atiles osoria, José m. “pro-state Violence in puerto rico: cuban and puerto rican right-wing terrorism from the 1960s to the 1990s.” Socialism and Democracy 26, no. 1 (march 2012): 127–42. augustin, Jean-pierre, and pascal Gillon. L’Olympisme: Bilan et enjeux géopolitique. paris: armand colin, 2004. ayache, Georges. “puissance et influence dans le cadre des relations internationales post–guerre froide: le cas de la france.” Annuaire français de relations internationales 7 (2006): 384–98. ayala, cesar J., and rafael bernabe. Puerto Rico in the American Century: A History since 1898. chapel Hill: University of north carolina press, 2007. balbier, Uta a. Kalter Krieg auf der Aschenbahn: Der deutsch-deutsche Sport, 1950– 1972; Eine politische Geschichte. paderborn: f. schöning, 2007. bale, John, and mike cronin. Sport and Postcolonialism. oxford: berg, 2003. bancel, nicolas. Entre acculturation et révolution: Mouvements de jeunesse et sports dans l’évolution politique et institutionnelle de l’AOF (1945–1962). phD diss., University of paris i–sorbonne, 1999. bancel, nicolas, pascal blanchard, and françoise Vergès. La République coloniale. paris: Hachette littératures, 2006. barghoorn, frederick c. The Soviet Cultural Offensive: The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in Soviet Foreign Policy. princeton, nJ: princeton University press, 1960. bark, Dennis l., and David r. Gress. A History of West Germany: Vol. 1, From Shadow to Substance, 1945–1963. oxford: basil blackwell, 1989. ———. A History of West Germany: Vol. 2, Democracy and Its Discontents, 1963– 1988. oxford: basil blackwell, 1989. barton, susan. Healthy Living in the Alps: The Origins of Winter Tourism in Switzerland , 1860–1914. manchester: manchester University press, 2008. baumann, robert f. “The central army sports club (tssKa): forging a military tradition in soviet ice Hockey.” Journal of Sport History 15 (1988): 151–66. bazenguissa-Ganga, rémy. Les voies du politique au Congo. paris: Karthala, 1997. beacom, aaron. International Diplomacy and the Olympic Movement: The New Mediators . new york: palgrave macmillan, 2012. beamish, rob, and ian ritchie. Fastest, Highest, Strongest: A Critique of High-Performance Sport. london: routledge, 2006. beck, peter. Scoring for Britain: International Football and International Politics, 1900–1939. london: frank cass, 1999. beckles, Hilary. The Development of West Indies Cricket: Vol. 1, The Age of Nationalism . Kingston: University of the west indies...
