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Winter with Jonah Fort Clapsop near Astoria, Oregon, winter 1806 In this beautiful ugly place, the winter sky bring so much more rain than sun I spent a month a nights praying for one dry day. It stay so wet, us clothes 'most rot off an what little meat we try to smoke don't keep for the damp. When not hunting elk, we keeps a handful a men an a fire going on the shore to boil down pots full a ochian an collect the salt that hide there. As if standing next to all that water an more than forty days an nights a rain fail to humble the men an make them ever mindful a the power a God One a those cabin-size fish washed up on shore an even have Capt. Clark giving thanks out loud that the good Lord send us a monster to swallow rather than be swallowed like 01' Jonah. ...
