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Index Adam (patriarch): in Back to Methuselah, 111, 113–14, 115–16, 120; in Lilith myth, 116; in Man and Superman, 69, 72–73 Adams, Elsie, 45 Adler, Jacob, 45 Agate, James, 112 Alexander of Battenberg, 35 Alhambra, in Man and Superman, 68, 144n74 Anti-Corn Law League, 56, 57, 141n5 Apocalypse, garden of, 69 Appearances: in Major Barbara, 83; in Shaw’s gardens, 11–14, 20, 41; in Shaw’s libraries, 82; in Widowers’ Houses, 11–14, 16–17. See also Hypocrisy; Respectability Archetypes: female, 71, 145nn100,106; of gardens, 69, 71; Jung’s, 72; Shaw’s use of, 69, 144n81 Arms and the Man (Shaw): audience of, 41; Bulgarian characters of, 36–37, 42, 136n24, 137n32; Byronic motif of, 40, 42; censorship of, 35; garden of, 2, 34–35, 40–43, 138n80; historical background of, 35; hypocrisy in, 42; irony in, 41; library of, 2, 4, 34–35, 37–41, 43, 129, 137nn38,44, 138n80; naïveté in, 38; protests against, 35; provincialism in, 38, 130; realism in, 34, 43, 136n1; romanticism of, 34, 38–39, 40, 41, 43, 85, 96, 138n80; stage directions of, 38, 39, 40, 41; structure of, 38 Army, Bulgarian, Russian withdrawal from, 35–36 As Far as Thought Can Reach (Shaw), 155n58; garden of, 122; Lilith in, 122. See also Back to Methuselah Back to Methuselah (Shaw): Adam and Eve motif of, 111, 113–16, 120, 121, 144n82; audience of, 114; Cain in, 115–16, 118; composition of, 111; critical opinion on, 112; digging imagery of, 115–16, 120; garden of, 3, 121; Garden of Eden in, 69, 111, 113–14; library of, 113, 119; Life Force in, 113; Lilith motif of, 111, 114, 116–18; origin of evil in, 113; place in Shaw’s canon, 112–13; premiere of, 111; Saint-John’s-wort in, 114–15; serpent motif of, 111, 113–15, 116, 121; Shaw’s attitude toward, 111, 112–13; Shaw’s purposes in, 116; stage descriptions of, 113–14; themes of, 113; unpopularity of, 111–12; Will in, 113, 114 Bentham, Jeremy, 57 Bentley, Eric, 2; on Major Barbara, 74 Bergman, Herbert, 46 Berst, Charles: on Arms and the Man, 34, 36, 42, 138n80; on Candida, 44, 45 Blake, William, 64 Blanching (vegetables), symbolism of, 17 Bodley, Sir Thomas, 6 164 · Index Books: in Major Barbara, 83, 85; in Man and Superman, 61, 68; in Misalliance, 2, 92–93, 94, 96–97, 98, 100–101; power of, 2; in Widowers’ Houses, 21–22 Bright, John, 56, 60, 141n5 British Museum, Reading Room of, 3, 6, 147n57 Browning, Robert, 50, 99; “Adam, Lilith and Eve,” 117–18 Bulgaria: bourgeoisie of, 41, 137n34; Turkish occupation of, 35, 36 Byron, George Gordon: Childe Harold, 40 Calvert, Louis, 147n40, 149n53 Cambridge University, Edwardian women at, 135n52 Candida (Shaw): critical opinion on, 44–45; gardens of, 44, 47–48, 49, 54, 129, 130, 155n58; library of, 2, 44, 49–51, 52, 54, 129, 130, 140n49; Life Force in, 118; socialism in, 51–52, 53, 54, 140n52; stage descriptions of, 46–47, 48, 49, 50; technology in, 143n44 Capitalism: in Heartbreak House, 99; in Major Barbara, 2; in Misalliance, 94, 95, 99, 100; in Mrs. Warren’s Profession, 24 Carlyle, Thomas, 141n5 Carpenter, Charles: on Candida, 45, 140n52; on Mrs. Warren’s Profession, 23, 30; on Widowers’ Houses, 10 Carroll, William George, 28 Chartist movement, 141n5 Christian Social Union, 48–49, 50 Churchill, Caryl: Serious Money, 5 City of God, Shaw’s vision of, 113 Cobden, Richard, 57, 141n5 Connolly, Leonard, 135n52 Crompton, Louis, 34, 109; on Back to Methuselah , 112; on Heartbreak House, 103; on Major Barbara, 76, 78, 81, 82 Crum, Jane, 87 Daly, Arnold, 46 Darwin, Charles, 58 Delaroche, Hippolyte (Paul), 58–59, 141n5 Deltcheva, Roumiana, 36, 136n24, 137nn32,38, 138n80 Dicey, Edward, 36 Doan, William, 45 Doctor’s Dilemma, The (Shaw), death in, 95 Dramas, Shaw’s: dialogue of, 1; as literary texts, 6, 8; minimalist productions of, xi; performance study of, 7; as performance texts, 6; physical descriptions in, 10; staged readings of, 1; unreality in, 88; visual components of, 1–2. See also Settings, Shaw’s; Stage directions, Shaw’s “Dramatic Realist to His Critics, A” (Shaw), 35, 36 Dukore, Bernard, 21; on Arms and the Man, 34–35, 36 Earth, female associations of, 71, 72, 73, 143n100 East End (London), 47–48; slum priests of, 49; socialism of, 48, 50 Edison Telephone Company, Shaw’s employment with, 143n44 Eliot, George, 58 Emmett, V. J., 141n5 Ervine, John, 80...
